
MangoHud not working with Minecraft Java

Letus252 opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
I'm trying to run MangoHud with Minecraft, but I can't get it to work. I've tried "mangohud --dlsym minecraft-launcher" but it does not show the overlay, and "MANGOHUD_DLSYM=1 mangohud minecraft-launcher" throws a wall of errors (and launcher is just a white box). I also tired using mangohud with steam (CS2) and it does work correctly.

List relevant hardware/software information

  • Arch KDE plasma 6.0.3
  • MangoHud version v0.7.1
  • GPU RX 6700 XT
  • OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 24.0.3-arch1.2

I'm using default Minecraft client (downloaded using yay). I added screenshot of the errors made by the second command (they seem to repeat infinity).


Shouldn't you set MangoHud on the game level instead of the launcher level?

Shouldn't you set MangoHud on the game level instead of the launcher level?

I don't know how would you do that. I saw reddit post about this topic, but the guy was using cracked launcher. In the post there was also this command: "mangohud --dlsym java -jar launcher.jar" but I have no idea what "launcher.jar" refers to. (And you can't just launch jar from 'version' folder).

Should be fixed here 3f0ecf7 and minecraft appears to require --dlsym

Bash still throws a lot of errors, but it launched and seems to work correctly. Thank you for fixing it! (I'm adding screenshot of the errors, maybe it will be useful).

Yes it's going to look a bit wonky as the fix I implemented is just a hack.
Hopefully someone can resolve this better in the future, but for now that is expected