
GPU Information Disappears Right After Launch

abogdanovich1 opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
After installing MangoHud, and setting Steam to launch the game with the mangohud %command% option in properties, the game launches with the HUD with the correct setup (GPU info top row, CPU info middle row, Frame info bottom row) but within 2 seconds max, the GPU information (% usage, temperature) disappears, moving the rest of the rows up.

List relevant hardware/software information

  • Linux Distribution: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS (64 Bit) (Used NVIDIA preloaded install)
  • Latest version of Steam
  • MangoHud version: v0.7.1

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set launch options in steam to mangohud %command%
  2. Set mangohud config to include "gpu_stats", "gpu_temp", "cpu_stats", "cpu_temp"
  3. Launch a game with this configuration (I used Helldivers 2)

Expected behavior
Expect the GPU information to stay put, or not be displayed at all.



About a second or two after

Additional context
Fairly fresh install of PopOS (less than a week old or so) with a similarly fresh install of Steam/Helldivers/Relevant proton stuff. Followed installation instructions in this repo's readme. I tried getting a screen recording of this but screen capture stops when game launches and wont get it on video. Took a video with my phone and can provide that/any logs when needed!

Set MANGOHUD_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG and PROTON_LOG=1 then post the log here

Possible it is trying to read from the IGPU for some reason?

Most likely that. I have a similar issue, albeit not this one and it's reporting the wrong value for Metro Exodus. I'll try to disable my iGPU and retest it