
MangoHud freezes Vulkan applications with nVidia 550.78

VortexAcherontic opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
As of today (yesterday everything was fine) all of the sudden MangoHUD freezes Vulkan based applications. Either when opening them up or closing them down.
I tested it with GZDoom using it's Vulkan backend. Which can be run just fine with MangoHUD enabled until you close it. Other apps like games using DXVK, Godot 4 will freeze right at the start as soon as the game window pops open.

Edit: Found out this happens only on Wayland. Running Gnome 46 in X11 does not cause the freezes. Switching to Gnome 46 Wayland does.

Mai 01 09:39:03 kleinerpoppel org.zdoom.GZDoom.desktop[26609]: [*** LOG ERROR #0001 ***] [2024-05-01 09:39:03] [MANGOHUD] string pointer is null [../src/shared_x11.cpp(39)]

Disabling MangoHUD restored all Vulkan apps.

What changed is that my distribution updated the nvidia driver package to 550.78

Apr 30 18:31:49 kleinerpoppel transactional-update[6639]: Computing distribution upgrade...
Apr 30 18:31:50 kleinerpoppel transactional-update[6639]: The following 9 packages are going to be upgraded:
Apr 30 18:31:50 kleinerpoppel transactional-update[6639]:   MicroOS-release MicroOS-release-appliance nvidia-compute-G06 nvidia-compute-utils-G06 nvidia-driver-G06-kmp-default nvidia-drivers-G06 nvidia-gl-G06 nvidia-utils-G06 nvidia-video-G06
Apr 30 18:31:50 kleinerpoppel transactional-update[6639]: The following product is going to be upgraded:
Apr 30 18:31:50 kleinerpoppel transactional-update[6639]: openSUSE MicroOS
Apr 30 18:31:50 kleinerpoppel transactional-update[6639]:   20240428-0 -> 20240429-0
Apr 30 18:31:50 kleinerpoppel transactional-update[6639]: 9 packages to upgrade.
Apr 30 18:31:50 kleinerpoppel transactional-update[6639]: Overall download size: 235.0 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 411.7 KiB will be used.
Apr 30 18:31:51 kleinerpoppel transactional-update[6639]: Retrieving: nvidia-driver-G06-kmp-default-550.78_k6.8.7_1-22.1.x86_64 (repo-non-free) (1/9),  40.0 MiB
Apr 30 18:31:52 kleinerpoppel transactional-update[6639]: Retrieving: nvidia-driver-G06-kmp-default-550.78_k6.8.7_1-22.1.x86_64.rpm [.........done (36.3 MiB/s)]

List relevant hardware/software information

  • Linux Distribution: openSUSE Aeon
  • MangoHud version: 0.7.1
  • GPU: nVidia RTX 3080 (Driver 550.78)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Update nvidia driver to 550.78
  2. Run Gnome 46 in Wayland mode
  3. Enable MangoHUD
  4. Open up any Vulkan application
  5. Some freeze right away some later upon exiting

Expected behavior
Vulkan apps not to freeze

Additional context
It might be worth mentioning I run everything from flatpak. MangoHUD, GZDoom etc.
Verified all flatpak runtimes are up-to-date as well.

I've attempted to fix this issue here a0a31b4

I'll give the git version a try, I'll let you know if this fixes my issue

I've attempted to fix this issue here a0a31b4

I just tried with a build from the git version, but I still have the problem of my game just completely freezing before even rendering anything.

This is what my screen looks like after trying to start any game with mangohud enabled

I also have this issue with Baldur's gate 2 enhanced edition, running with proton, without enabling the alternative rendering mode, which should mean it's using opengl and not vulkan (unless proton does something i'm not aware of). Mangohud does seem to at least load data before the game freezes, but I don't know if that has anything to do with the issue.

Please let me know if you need anything else to figure out the issue