This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
Commands Index
- !rcon br_specialround_forcenext spies
- !rcon br_specialround_forcenext assault
- !rcon br_specialround_forcenext multiplebreaches
- !rcon br_specialround_forcenext zombieplague
- !rcon br_roundnospec 1
- !rcon br_friendlyfire 1
- antirdm_enable
- antirdm_disable
- antirdm_status
- reload_legacy_addons
- ulx ent weapon_physgun
- ulx ent scp_087_b_1
- ulx ent scp_087_b_3
- ulx ent ent_scp_1123
- ulx ent durgz_scp420j
- ulx ent durgz_scp500
- ulx ent npc_scp_066
- ulx ent scp_860_2
- ulx playsound nukes/siren.ogg
- ulx playsound nukes/nuke1.ogg
- ulx playsound nukes/nuke2.ogg; ulx explode *
- ulx playsound nukes/alpha_warheads_fail.ogg
ulx tsaycolor "The Goal is to Hide NOT escape INGORE the timer round will auto end when there are 10 left!" red
For Bots: (replace 58 with the number of bots you want)
- ulx luarun for i=1,58 do timer.Simple(i/10,function() RunConsoleCommand('bot') end) end
For Setting Karma to max for everyone
ulx luarun for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetKarma(1200) end
ulx luarun for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:UpdateNKarma() end
ulx luarun for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SaveKarma() end
ulx ent prop_physics model:"models/vinrax/scp294/scp294.mdl"
To add an entity you wish to make persistent to the database, look at it and run:
- PermaWorld_Add
To make an entity no-longer persistent and remove it from the database, look at it and run:
- PermaWorld_Remove
To reload the persistent entities for any reason (see: accidental deletion), run:
- PermaWorld_Restore
To purge the persistent world database of all entities, run:
- PermaWorld_Purge
To remove all persistent world entities from the map, run:
- PermaWorld_CleanMap
To Find Button Positions
- ulx sendlua ^ print(LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity:GetClass(),LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity:GetPos())
- ulx luarun hook.Add('PlayerUse','ParseePlease',function(ply,ent) print(ply) print(ent) print(ent:GetPos()) end)
- ulx luarun hook.Remove('PlayerUse','ParseePlease')
To Check Map Config
- lua_openscript parsee/shitty_breach_teleporter.lua
- br_teleportme SPAWN_KEYCARD3 lcz1