
Client for FlightStats DataHub

Primary LanguageJavaScript


FlightStats data hub request-promise client.


npm install node-datahub --save


Create a Datahub instance and pass in an object with your data hub url.

For more information about the FlightStats data hub : https://github.com/flightstats/hub

var Datahub = require('node-datahub');

var datahub = new Datahub({

    .then(function (result) {
        // ...


Run the tests

npm test

HubWatcher & HubForwarder

You can use an Express server to easily interact with new hub items and to forward incoming requests to a hub channel. These classes require Express but extending them to support Koa or other servers wouldn't be too difficult.


import { HubWatcher, HubForwarder } from 'node-datahub';
import express from 'express';

const expressApp = express();

const config = {
 hubHost: {
   production: 'http://hub.prod',
   staging: 'http://hub.staging',
   test: 'http://hub.dev',
   development: 'http://hub.dev',
 appHost: {
   production: 'http://my-app.prod:3000',
   staging: 'http://my-app.staging:3000',
   test: 'http://localhost:3001',
   development: 'http://localhost:3000',
 hubParallelCalls: 2,
 webhookName: 'my_webhook'


Use the HubWatcher to receive process new hub channel items.

const watcher = new HubWatcher(expressApp, config);

const doSomething = (hubChannelItem, hubItemURI) => {
  console.log('New hub item', hubChannelItem, 'exists at', hubItemURI);

// Process each new hub channel item
watcher.watchChannel('some-channel', doSomething);


Use the HubForwarder to receive an HTTP post to an Express route and then post the transformed request to a hub channel.

const forwarder = new HubForwarder(expressApp, config);

const xfm = (req) => {
  // See http://expressjs.com/en/api.html#req
  console.log('Transforming request to', req.originalUrl, 'Headers:', req.headers, 'Body:', req.body);
  return req.body;

// Forward post requests from a route to a channel running an optional transformer.
forwarder.forwardToChannel('/some/route', 'some-channel', xfm);