
Docker image for MISP

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MISP Docker image

MISP container (Docker) image focused on high performance and security based on CentOS Stream 8.

This image contains the latest version of MISP and the required dependencies. Image is intended as immutable, which means that it is not possible to update MISP from the user interface and instead, an admin should download a newer image.

Key features

  • ๐ŸŽฉ Image is based on CentOS Stream 8, so perfectly fits your infrastructure if you use CentOS or RHEL as a host system
  • โœ… Modern MISP features are enabled by default (like advanced audit log or storing setting in the database)
  • ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Integrated support for OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication
  • ๐Ÿ”’๏ธ PHP is by default protected by Snuffleupagus extensions with rules tailored to MISP
  • ๐Ÿš€ Optional extensions and configurations that will make MISP faster are enabled
  • ๐Ÿ““ Integrated support for logging exceptions to Sentry and forwarding logs to syslog server
  • ๐Ÿงช Final image is automatically tested, so every release should work as expected
  • ๐Ÿ› Build for amd64 (x86_64) and arm64 (aarch64)


First, you have to install Docker. Follow these manuals how to install Docker on your machine. Windows, macOS, or Linux are supported. For Linux, you also need to install Docker Compose V2, on macOS or Windows is already included in Docker itself. Or you can use Docker Compose V1, but then you have to use all commands with a dash (so docker-compose instead of docker compose).

Usage for testing

Docker Compose file defines MISP itself, MISP Modules, MariaDB and Redis, so everything you need to run MISP. Just run:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NUKIB/misp/main/docker-compose.yml
docker compose up -d

Then you can access MISP in your browser by accessing http://localhost:8080. Default user after installation is admin@admin.test with password admin.

To delete all volumes after testing, run:

docker-compose down -v


When a new MISP is released, also new container image is created. For updating MISP and MISP Modules, just run these commands in the folder that contains docker-compose.yml file. These commands will download the latest images and recreate containers:

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

Usage in a production environment

For production usage, please:

  • change passwords for MariaDB and Redis,
  • modify environment variables to requested values,
  • deploy reverse proxy (for example nginx) before MISP to handle HTTPS connections.

Usage in air-gapped environment

MISP by default does not require access to Internet. So it is possible to use MISP in air-gapped environment or an environment with blocked outgoing connections. Check AIR-GAP.md for more information.

Image building

If you don't trust image built by GitHub Actions and stored in GitHub Container Registry or you want to build a different MISP version, you can build this image by yourself:

docker build --build-arg MISP_VERSION=v2.4.152 -t ghcr.io/nukib/misp https://github.com/NUKIB/misp.git#main

If you don't like CentOS Stream, you can use as a base image different distribution that is compatible with CentOS, like AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux:

docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=almalinux -t ghcr.io/nukib/misp https://github.com/NUKIB/misp.git#main

Environment variables

By changing or defining these container environment variables, you can change container behavior.

Database connection

MISP requires MySQL or MariaDB database.

  • MYSQL_HOST (required, string) - hostname or IP address
  • MYSQL_PORT (optional, int, default 3306)
  • MYSQL_LOGIN (required, string) - database user
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD (optional, string)
  • MYSQL_DATABASE (required, string) - database name


By default, MISP requires Redis. MISP will connect to Redis defined in REDIS_HOST variable on port 6379.

  • REDIS_HOST (required, string) - hostname or IP address
  • REDIS_PASSWORD (optional, string) - password used to connect password protected Redis instance

Default Redis databases

  • 10 - ZeroMQ connector
  • 11 - SimpleBackgroundJobs
  • 12 - session data if PHP_SESSIONS_IN_REDIS is enabled
  • 13 - MISP app


  • MISP_BASEURL (required, string) - full URL with https:// or http://
  • MISP_UUID (required, string) - MISP instance UUID (can be generated by uuidgen command)
  • MISP_ORG (required, string) - MISP default organisation name
  • MISP_HOST_ORG_ID (optional, int, default 1) - MISP default organisation ID
  • MISP_MODULE_URL (optional, string) - full URL to MISP modules
  • MISP_DEBUG (optional, boolean, default false) - enable debug mode (do not enable on production environment)

Check more variables that allows MISP customization.

Email setting

  • SMTP_HOST (optional, string) - SMTP server that will be used for sending emails. SMTP server must support STARTTLS.
  • SMTP_PORT (optional, int, default 25) - the TCP port for the SMTP host. Must support STARTTLS.
  • SMTP_USERNAME (optional, string)
  • SMTP_PASSWORD (optional, string)
  • MISP_EMAIL (required, string) - the email address that MISP should use for all notifications
  • MISP_EMAIL_REPLY_TO (optional, string) - the email address that will be used in Reply-To header
  • MISP_DEFAULT_PUBLISH_ALERT (optional, bool, default false) - if sending event alert emails should be enabled by default to newly created users
  • SUPPORT_EMAIL (optional, string) - the email address that will be included in Apache error pages

PGP for email encryption and signing

  • GNUPG_SIGN (optional, boolean, default false) - sign outgoing emails by PGP
  • GNUPG_PRIVATE_KEY (optional, string) - private key used to sign emails sent by MISP
  • GNUPG_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD (optional, string) - password for PGP private key used to sign emails sent by MISP
  • GNUPG_BODY_ONLY_ENCRYPTED (optional, boolean, default false)

Alternatively, if you want to generate new PGP keys for email signing instead of providing a key using GNUPG_PRIVATE_KEY, you can do it by running this command inside the container:

gpg --homedir /var/www/MISP/.gnupg --full-generate-key --pinentry-mode=loopback --passphrase "password"


  • SECURITY_SALT (required, string) - random string (recommended at least 32 chars) used for salting hashed values (you can use openssl rand -base64 32 output as value)
  • SECURITY_ADVANCED_AUTHKEYS (optional, boolean, default false) - enable advanced auth keys support
  • SECURITY_HIDE_ORGS (optional, boolean, default false) - hide org names for normal users
  • SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_KEY (optional, string) - encryption key with at least 32 chars that will be used to encrypt sensitive information stored in database WARNING: Never changed this value after deployment!
  • SECURITY_CRYPTO_POLICY (optional, string, default DEFAULT:NO-SHA1) - set container wide crypto policies. More details. Use empty string to keep container default value.
  • SECURITY_REST_CLIENT_ENABLE_ARBITRARY_URLS (optional, boolean, default false) - enable to query any arbitrary URL via rest client (required for Workflows Webhook).

Outgoing proxy

For pulling events from another MISP or fetching feeds MISP requires access to Internet. Set these variables to use HTTP proxy for outgoing connections from MISP.

  • PROXY_HOST (optional, string) - The hostname of an HTTP proxy for outgoing sync requests. Leave empty to not use a proxy.
  • PROXY_PORT (optional, int, default 3128) - The TCP port for the HTTP proxy.
  • PROXY_METHOD (optional, string) - The authentication method for the HTTP proxy. Currently, supported are Basic or Digest. Leave empty for no proxy authentication.
  • PROXY_USER (optional, string) - The authentication username for the HTTP proxy.
  • PROXY_PASSWORD (optional, string) - The authentication password for the HTTP proxy.

OpenID Connect (OIDC) login

Check detailed manual how to configure OIDC login


Sentry is a tool for error tracking and support for this tool is integrated into this image. If configured, unhandled exceptions will be logged in Sentry.

  • SENTRY_DSN (optional, string) - Sentry DSN to catch exceptions
  • SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT (optional, string) - Sentry environment


  • ZEROMQ_ENABLED (optional, boolean, default false) - enable ZeroMQ integration, server will listen at *:50000
  • ZEROMQ_USERNAME (optional, string) - ZeroMQ server username
  • ZEROMQ_PASSWORD (optional, string) - ZeroMQ server password

PHP config

  • PHP_SESSIONS_IN_REDIS (optional, boolean, default true) - when enabled, sessions information are stored in Redis. That provides better performance and sessions survives container restart
  • PHP_SESSIONS_COOKIE_SAMESITE (optional, string) - sets session.cookie_samesite, can be Strict or Lax. By default, is set to Strict, just for testing on localhost is set to Lax.
  • PHP_SNUFFLEUPAGUS (optional, boolean, default true) - enable PHP hardening by using Snuffleupagus PHP extension with rules tailored to MISP
  • PHP_TIMEZONE (optional, string, default UTC) - sets date.timezone
  • PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT (optional, string, default 2048M) - sets memory_limit
  • PHP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME (optional, int, default 300) - sets max_execution_time (in seconds)
  • PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE (optional, string, default 50M) - sets upload_max_filesize and post_max_size
  • PHP_XDEBUG_ENABLED (optional, boolean, default false) - enable Xdebug PHP extension for debugging purposes (do not enable on production environment)
  • PHP_XDEBUG_PROFILER_TRIGGER (optional, string) - secret value for XDEBUG_PROFILE GET/POST variable that will enable profiling


Syslog is collecting all logs from container (see rsyslog.conf) and save them to SYSLOG_FILE or optionally sends them to remote syslog server.

  • SYSLOG_TARGET (optional, string) - if defined, all logs from the container are forwarded to a defined syslog server. Should be hostname or IP address of the system that shall receive messages.
  • SYSLOG_PORT (optional, int, default 601)
  • SYSLOG_PROTOCOL (optional, string, default tcp)
  • SYSLOG_FILE (optional, string, default /var/log/messages) - path to file that will contain all logs collected by syslog
  • SYSLOG_FILE_FORMAT (optional, string, default text-traditional) - sets SYSLOG_FILE log file format, can be json, text or text-traditional


Automation tasks are run by jobber application, which is managed by supervisor. Check .jobber file for tasks definition.

You can change default configuration by modifying these environment variables:

  • JOBBER_USER_ID (optional, int, default 1) - MISP user ID which is used in scheduled tasks by Jobber (1 is the user ID of the initial created admin@admin.test user)
  • JOBBER_CACHE_FEEDS_TIME (optional, string, default 0 R0-10 6,8,10,12,14,16,18) - Jobber time string for cache feeds task scheduling
  • JOBBER_FETCH_FEEDS_TIME (optional, string, default 0 R0-10 6,8,10,12,14,16,18) - Jobber time string for fetch feeds task scheduling
  • JOBBER_PULL_SERVERS_TIME (optional, string, default 0 R0-10 6,10,15) - Jobber time string for pull servers task scheduling
  • JOBBER_SCAN_ATTACHMENT_TIME (optional, string, default 0 R0-10 6) - Jobber time string for scan attachment task scheduling
  • JOBBER_LOG_ROTATE_TIME (optional, string, default 0 0 5) - Jobber time string for log rotate task scheduling
  • JOBBER_USER_CHECK_VALIDITY_TIME (optional, string, default 0 0 5) - Jobber time string for updating user role and org or blocking invalid users (makes sense only if OIDC_OFFLINE_ACCESS and OIDC_CHECK_USER_VALIDITY is set)
  • JOBBER_SEND_PERIODIC_SUMMARY (optional, string, default 0 0 6 * * 1-5) - Jobber time string for sending periodic summary for users (must be just once per day)

If provided time string is empty, job will be disabled.

Log locations

  • /var/log/messages - all logs captured by rsyslog (see rsyslog.conf for definition)
  • /var/log/httpd/ - Apache logs
  • /var/log/php-fpm/ - PHP-FPM logs
  • /var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/ - application logs (PHP)

X-Request-ID HTTP header is logged in Apache, PHP-FPM, audit, and Sentry logs, so you can use this value to correlate requests between logs.

Container volumes

  • /var/www/MISP/app/tmp/logs/ - application logs
  • /var/www/MISP/app/files/certs/ - uploaded certificates used for accessing remote feeds and servers
  • /var/www/MISP/app/attachments/ - uploaded attachments and malware samples
  • /var/www/MISP/.gnupg/ - GPG homedir


This software is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3. MISP is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3.