
Manages orders for flipdot's drinks storage system

Primary LanguagePythonBSD Zero Clause License0BSD


Manages orders for flipdot's drinks storage system.

To create a new PDF file containing an order simply use the order.py script. It will generate a file containing today's date in the ISO-8601 format and the supplier's name within /tmp.

Operation Overview

This script fetches the current state of the stored beverage crates using data from Grafana. Using the configured demand (see config.yaml.example), it calculates the number of crates that are currently desired. When the threshold limits.min_crates is reached, an order is generated as PDF and sent via mail to mail.recipient.address. The order is also registered as alert in Grafana.



You should install the dependencies like so:

pip install -r requirements.txt


You also need some packages to handle the LaTeX templating, that depend on your distribution.


apt install python3-pypandoc texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-lang-german


To routinely let the script run, you could add a cronjob to a 24/7 system by adding the following line after issueing crontab -e:

0 8 * * mon-fri cd /SOME/CUSTOM/PATH/drinks-storage-order && LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ./order.py 2>&1 >> /home/automaton/drinks-storage-order/order.log

This would run the cronjob each Monday to Friday at precisely eight o'clock.

Manual Override

If sensors are failing, it is possible to place an order manually. To do so, a yaml file is needed to be fed into the script via stdin. This file needs to contain the number of crates that are currently in storage. It does not reflect the amount of crates that will be ordered.

An exemplary observation could reside in override.yaml like so:

    apfelschorle:        1
    grapefruit_sprudel:  2
    mineralwasser:       1
    becks:               2
    eschweger:           3
    jacobinus:           0
    jever:               1
    jever_fun:           2
    koestritzer:         1
    radler:              1
    mio_banane:          2
    mio_cola:            3
    mio_ginger:          3
    mio_mate:            4

This file could then be fed in via stdin like so:

./order.py < override.yaml


This software is licensed under the Zero-Clause BSD license. For more information read the LICENSE.md document.