Box Protocol Smart Contract


This is a smart contract for Box Protocol - a platform for buying and selling tokenized crypto portfolios. It is an easy, self custodial way to invest in boxes representing the hottest ideas and sectors in Web3!. The contract is currently deployed on Goerli Testnet

The contract BoxProtocol.sol imports contract PriceFeed.sol to fetch ETH & UNI prices from byog data feeds.


  • ISwapRouter : A public, immutable contract reference to the ISwapRouter contract. Used to call the swapTokens function to swap tokens.
  • WETHinterface : A contract reference to the WETHinterface contract. Used to call the deposit and withdraw functions on the WETH contract.
  • boxNumber : An uint256 that stores the number of boxes created.


  • boxDistribution : A mapping that stores token's box distribution for each box.
  • boxBalance : A mapping that stores the token balance for each box.
  • tokenAddress : A mapping that maps the token symbol to its corresponding address.


  • poolFee : A public constant uint24 that represents the pool fee for Uniswap swaps.
  • DECIMAL : A public constant uint8 that sets the decimal precision of each of the box tokens.


  • Token : A struct that represents a token.
    • name : A string that represents the token symbol.
    • percentage : An uint8 that represents the token's percentage in the box.

External Functions


buy(uint boxId) external payable returns(boxTokenMinted boxTokenMinted)

This function allows a user to buy a box by depositing funds. The deposited funds will be used to buy the specified tokens in the specified percentages and an equivalent number of box tokens will be minted to the user's account. If the underlying token is ETH, it will simply be stored in the boxBalance mapping. If the underlying token is WETH, the equivalent ETH will be deposited into the WETHinterface contract. For other tokens, the funds will first be converted to WETH and then swapped using Uniswap's ISwapRouter contract for the required token.


Name Type Description
boxId uint256 ID of the box to be purchased


Name Type Description
boxTokenMinted boxTokenMinted The number of ERC 1155 tokens minted for the specified box.


sell(uint boxId, uint256 tokenSellAmount) external

The sell function allows a user to sell a specific amount of tokens belonging to the specified box ID. The function first calculates the sell ratio and then loop over all the tokens in the box to calculate the selling amount. If the token is not ETH, the tokens are swapped to ETH using Uniswap and then the total ETH is trasnfered to the user.


Name Type Description
boxId uint256 The ID of the box to sell tokens from
tokenSellAmount uint256 The amount of tokens the user wants to sell


createBox(Token[] memory tokens) external returns(uint boxId)

The function takes an array of token distributions as input and creates a new investment box with the specified distribution.


Name Type Description
tokens Token[] An array of Token structs, representing the composition of the investment box.


Name Type Description
boxId uint ID of the box that has been created

Public Functions


getNumberOfTokensInBox(uint boxId) public view returns(uint)

The function returns the number of underlying tokens in a box.


Name Type Description
boxId uint ID of the box


Type Description
uint Number of underlying tokens in the box


getBoxDistribution(uint boxId, uint tokenNumber) public view returns(Token memory)

The function returns the token name & percentage in a box according to its distribution.


Name Type Description
boxId uint ID of the box
tokenNumber uint Storage ID of the token in the box


Type Description
Token A struct with name & percentage of the token


getBoxTVL(uint boxId) public view returns(uint)

The function returns the Total Value Locked in USD of a particular box.


Name Type Description
boxId uint ID of the box


Type Description
uint TVL of the box in USD


getBoxTokenPrice(uint boxId) public view returns(uint)

The function returns the current box token price in USD.


Name Type Description
boxId uint ID of the box


Type Description
uint Price of the ERC 1155 box token in USD

Internal Functions


_getBoxTokenMintAmount(uint boxId, uint amountInETH) internal view returns(uint)

The function calculated the amount of box token(ERC 1155) to be minted to the user according to the buying amount.


Name Type Description
boxId uint ID of the box
amountInETH uint Buying amount of the user


Type Description
uint Amount of box tokens to be minted to the user


_swapTokens(uint256 amountIn, address tokenIn, address tokenOut) internal returns (uint256 amountOut)

The function uses Uniswap's ISwapRouter to swap between two ERC20 tokens. This function is used by the buy & sell function to swap tokens according to the box distribution.


Name Type Description
amountIn uint256 Amount of input tokens to be swapped
tokenIn address Input token address
tokenOut address Output token address


Name Type Description
amountOut uint256 Amount of output token received after swap