
Practice code for Hapijs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a very basic nodejs hapi server for the purpose of giving a demo of my coding ability. This is the first time I am building a hapi nodejs server and have written it from scratch. The time taken to complete this project was about 2 days.

The goal of the project is to parse a markdown and convert it to equivalent html representation.


Install software

The project has following dependencies :-

  • node version 6.2.2 or above (uses generators and es6 classes)
  • mongodb version 3.2 or above

Setup database

If you are running the server locally on your machine, you would need to start a mongodb server. Ex,

mongodb sudo mongod --dbpath /data

If using an external DB, then you can mongodb database using environment variable DB_URI. Ex,

export DB_URI=mongodb://user:password@host:port/database

Run testcases

  • npm test will run all testcases
  • npm run test-converter will run testcases for markdown converter utility
  • npm run test-api will run testcases for the api

Run the server

npm start


API specifications

POST /markdown/save

Converts a markdown into HTML and saves it.


markdown - a markdown document as a string

Success Response - 201

_id - unique id for created resource
html - newly generated html
markdown - same as the request field markdown

Bad Response

  • 400 for empty markdown

GET /markdown/get/{id}

Fetches an earlier saved markdown.


_id - id of the markdown resource

Success Response - 200

_id - unique id for created resource
html - newly generated html
markdown - same as the request field markdown

Bad Response

  • 400 for invalid _id