
Telegram Bot with OpenId Connect authentication. Demo project.

Primary LanguageJava

Telegram Bot with OpenId Connect authentication

This project demonstrates how to implement authentication in Telegram bot using OpenId Connect (OIDC).

Implementation tools:

This demo comprises of two services:

  • Telegram bot
  • OpenId provider


Ensure you have JDK 11. To build the project run:

./mvnw package


Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed.
Create file .env in project root directory using .env.template as a base. Specify correct values for the following entries:

  • BASEURL: http://address:8080 where address is an IP address/domain name of your host.
  • OIDC_KEYCLOAK_BASEURL: http://address:8180 where address is an IP address/domain name of your host (do not use localhost).
  • BOT_USERNAME: name of your telegram bot.
  • BOT_TOKEN: token of your telegram bot.

Ok. Now, run the demo using following command:

docker-compose up --build