
Official ufbt Action wrapper for building Flipper Zero applications

This action brings all features of ufbt to GitHub Workflows. It is used to build applications for Flipper Zero. Building applications with ufbt is much faster than using fbt with full firmware sources, and it allows you to build applications for different versions of the firmware, including unofficial ones.

This action and has 3 modes of operation:

  • application builder: builds .fap (Flipper Application Package) file for the application in specified directory and returns a list of built files;
  • linter: runs linter (clang-format) on application's sources;
  • ufbt setup: makes ufbt available in the environment, without running any tasks. This mode is used to set up ufbt command and SDK for other steps in the workflow.

You can use all SDK update modes supported by ufbt, including downloads from unofficial sources. See SDK source options for action inputs used to specify SDK origin.

This action caches toolchain used for ufbt operations, so it can be reused without being re-downloaded in subsequent runs of workflows in your repository.


To build your application with this action, you must create a workflow file in your repository. Place a file named .github/workflows/build.yml with one of the examples below, and, optionally, tune it to your needs.

Basic example: build and lint

This example will build your application for bleeding edge version, dev, of the official firmware, and upload generated binaries to GitHub artifacts. It will also run linter on your sources and fail the workflow if there are any formatting errors.

name: "FAP: Build and lint"
on: [push, pull_request]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: 'ufbt: Build for Dev branch'
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Build with ufbt
        uses: flipperdevices/flipperzero-ufbt-action@v0.1
        id: build-app
          # Set to 'release' to build for latest published release version
          sdk-channel: dev
      - name: Upload app artifacts
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: ${{ github.event.repository.name }}-${{ steps.build-app.outputs.suffix }}
          path: ${{ steps.build-app.outputs.fap-artifacts }}
      # You can remove this step if you don't want to check source code formatting
      - name: Lint sources
        uses: flipperdevices/flipperzero-ufbt-action@v0.1
          # skip SDK setup, we already did it in previous step
          skip-setup: true
          task: lint

Advanced example: build for multiple SDK sources

This example will build your application for 3 different SDK sources: dev and release channels of official firmware, and for an SDK from an unofficial source. It will upload generated binaries to GitHub artifacts. It will also do a build every day, even if there are no new commits in the repository, so you can be sure that your application is always up to date with the latest SDK.

name: "FAP: Build for multiple SDK sources"
    ## put your main branch name under "braches"
    #  - master 
    # do a build every day
    - cron: "1 1 * * *"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - name: dev channel
            sdk-channel: dev
          - name: release channel
            sdk-channel: release
          - name: Unofficial firmware
            # example URL, replace with a valid one
            # you can also use other modes for specifying SDK sources
            sdk-index-url: https://flipper.example.com/directory.json
            sdk-channel: dev
    name: 'ufbt: Build for ${{ matrix.name }}'
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Build with ufbt
        uses: flipperdevices/flipperzero-ufbt-action@v0.1
        id: build-app
          sdk-channel: ${{ matrix.sdk-channel }}
          sdk-index-url: ${{ matrix.sdk-index-url }}
      - name: Upload app artifacts
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: ${{ github.event.repository.name }}-${{ steps.build-app.outputs.suffix }}
          path: ${{ steps.build-app.outputs.fap-artifacts }}


All inputs are optional. If you don't specify any inputs, ufbt will build your application for the latest release version of official firmware. You can use fap-artifacts output to get a list of built files to upload them.


Task to run. Can be setup, build or lint. Default is "build".


Path to application's source code. Default is "." — the root of the repository.


Version of ufbt to use. Default is "latest" — the latest version available on PyPI. If set to prerelease, this action will fetch the latest pre-release version. You can also use a PyPI version specifier, such as ">=0.2.1,<0.3.0".


Additional arguments to pass to ufbt. Default is -s — which suppresses build system output, only leaving subcommands' outputs, such as compiler messages. Set to "" for extra verbosity. Only handled when task is set to build or lint. See ufbt documentation for details.


If set to true, skips SDK setup. Useful when running multiple action multiple times. Default is false.

SDK source options

Table below describes options for SDK update. See ufbt documentation on available SDK update modes for details.

Input name ufbt update argument Description
sdk-channel --channel Release channel to use. Can be dev, rc or release
sdk-branch --branch Branch to use
sdk-index-url --index-url Index URL to use in branch and channel modes
sdk-file --file Path to a local SDK file
sdk-url --url Fixed URL to a remote SDK file
sdk-hw-target --hw-target Hardware target to use



A list of built .fap and .fal files. Can be used as input for upload-artifact action. Only available in build mode.


A directory with built artifacts and .elf files with debugging information. Only available in build mode.


API version used to build the application. Only available in build mode.


A suffix to use in artifact names, includes hardware target, API and SDK versions. Can be used for naming artifacts uploaded with upload-artifact action. Only available in build mode.


A list of linter messages, in case of any formatting errors. Only available in lint mode.


A list of build errors, in case of any. Only available in build mode.


A string, JSON object with ufbt status. Contains ufbt status --json output. Useful for extracting information about ufbt's directories, configured modes, etc. Useful in combination with fromJSON() function to extract information from the output. For example, ${{ fromJSON(steps.<build>.ufbt-status).toolchain_dir }}. Available in all modes.


A version of the toolchain used to build the application. Defined by current SDK. Available in all modes.


First version of this action was created by Oleksii Kutuzov and is available here. However, it no longer works with the latest version of ufbt. This version is a complete rewrite, with problem matcher borrowed from original verison.