No way to exit from "ufbt cli"
AlexTaran opened this issue · 1 comments
Not sure if it's an issue in firmware or ufbt itself, but after running "ufbt cli" there's no way to exit it except rebooting flipper.
There are no commands like "exit" or "quit", ctrl-D does not work.
There's also no such command in the list of commands (pressing "help" or "?").
Killing ufbt process ("sudo killall ufbt") also does not help - it's not possible to run "sudo ufbt launch" after it because it prints:
2024-04-28 14:55:13,663 [ERROR] Error: device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)
scons: *** [phony_launch] Error 4
After flipper reboot everything is OK.
Is there any way to safely exit from "ufbt cli". If so, could this be added to documentation?
There's no CLI command for that, because terminating CLI session is performed by closing the port. That must be done by the app that opened it, not by the device.
Also, if you read the output on session start, you'd see the shortcut for closing the terminal.
$ ufbt cli
scons: Entering directory `/Users/hedger/.ufbt/current/scripts/ufbt'
fbt: warning: App folder '/Users/hedger': missing manifest (application.fam)
LoadAppManifest, line 130, in file "/Users/hedger/.ufbt/current/scripts/fbt_tools/"
python3 /Users/hedger/.ufbt/current/scripts/ -p auto
--- Miniterm on /dev/cu.usbmodemflip_Ayoo1 230400,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
That's Ctrl+].