Compact tool for building and debugging applications for Flipper Zero.
- 3
Problems running vscode_dist
#51 opened by eblis - 7
- 2
debugging with vscode in Windows?
#45 opened by eried - 3
- 1
remove -Werror
#46 opened by Neo-vortex - 1
No way to exit from "ufbt cli"
#44 opened by AlexTaran - 1
[Feature request] Upload to flipper via UFBT
#43 opened by vguttmann - 0
Flipperdevice Ezekiel
#42 opened by philliprossii7 - 1
Failed to download https://update.flipperzero.one/builds/toolchain/gcc-arm-none-eabi-12.3-armv7l-linux-flipper-33.tar.gz
#41 opened by Freddoyea - 2
scons: *** [phony_launch] More than one app is runnable: . Please specify an app with APPID=...
#40 opened by fernandosmither - 6
Issues with STlink debugging
#38 opened by o7-machinehum - 8
ARM64 toolchain support
#37 opened by paulober - 4
Add support for Apple Silicon
#35 opened by zigad - 7
Received invalid error message: "We only provide toolchain for x86_64 CPUs, sorry..."
#34 opened by anoduck - 2
How to define header files in Application.fam
#36 opened by jpitz31 - 1
No such file or directory
#33 opened by jpitz31 - 1
- 5
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- 7
Unresolved symbols for sub-library
#24 opened by qistoph - 5
assets_icons.h produces compile time error
#23 opened by GLinnik21 - 5
ufbt vscode_dist - SSL certificate problem: self-signed certificate in certificate chain
#19 opened by federico22285 - 1
I updated the SDK but I still get this.
#11 opened by orlsend - 1
Synchronize builtin help
#4 opened by leonty - 1
ufbt assumes Python is installed
#3 opened by GMMan - 6
scons: *** [phony_launch] Error 4
#7 opened by baconlive - 1
FlipperZero-ufbt .github
#5 opened by ETHeOReDrheTorICaL - 1