
Functions sent to the WL Function repository

Primary LanguageMathematicaMIT LicenseMIT

****# WLFunctions


A place to keep some of the things I’ve submitted to the Wolfram Function Repository


Accepted in WRI repository

  • NotebookRelativePath - returns a path relative to the currently evaluating notebook.
  • TimeSeriesZero - shifts a time series / temporal data object to start at t0 = 0 sec.
  • SecondsToday - how many seconds have elapsed today.
  • SmoothStep - RenderMan / Perlin smooth interpolation.
  • SmootherStep - An improvement on SmoothStep which is 2nd order continuous at t0 and t1.

TimeSeriesZero - shifts a time series / temporal data object to start at t0 = 0 sec.


Temporary, public deployments to my own cloud account are linked here

In Progress

  • UnitizedGaussian - returns a Gaussian function whose value is 1.0 at its mean.
  • PropertiesAvailability - returns a list of which "Properties" of an object are available and which ones are not.
  • GatherSortBy - sort a list and then gather by the sort key.


I plan on migrating some of the more appropriate things from FPTools to here, I think, maybe.
