
Fastest and most accurate node module for calculating odds of poker games Texas Hold'em, Texas Shortdeck/Sixplus and Omaha.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Poker Odds Calc

Build Status Node version required Latest Stable Version

Fastest and most accurate node module for calculating odds of poker games Texas Hold'em, Texas Shortdeck/Sixplus and Omaha.


npm install -g poker-odds-calc


poker-odds-calc -p AdKh -p AcKh -b 5sTd9c

# options
-g, --game texas_holdem     # Select between texas_holdem, shortdeck_holdem and omaha. Default texas_holdem.
-b, --board 5sTd9cTh        # Define community cards.
-p, --player AcKh           # Define any number of player hand.
-l, --limit 1000            # Limit number of iterations. Default 100,000.
-e, --exhaustive            # Run all possible board combinations, regardless limit option.
-d, --dead 2s2d             # Dead card(s) to exclude from calculation.
--tripsbeatstraight         # Option only available for -g shortdeck_holdem
-h, --help                  # Show help

poker-odds-calc -p QsKs -p QdKd -b JsTs5hTd


API Usage

Let's take the previous example, but use the API instead:

import {TexasHoldem, SixPlusHoldem, Omaha} from './index';

const Table = new TexasHoldem();
  .addPlayer(["Qs", "Ks"])
  .addPlayer(["Qd", "Kd"])

  // or
  .boardAction(board => {
      .setFlop(["Js", "Ts", "5h"])

const Result = Table.calculate();

Result.getPlayers().forEach(player => {
  console.log(`${player.getName()} - ${player.getHand()} - Wins: ${player.getWinsPercentageString()} - Ties: ${player.getTiesPercentageString()}`);

console.log(`Board: ${Result.getBoard()}`);
console.log(`Iterations: ${Result.getIterations()}`);
console.log(`Time takes: ${Result.getTime()}ms`);

// Outputs:
// Player #1 - QsKs - Wins: 20.45% - Ties: 79.55%
// Player #2 - QdKd - Wins: 0.00% - Ties: 79.55%
// Board: JsTs5hTd
// Iterations: 44
// Time takes: 8ms


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.