
Generate HTML email content with Eleventy and MJML.

What this does

This allows you to add .mjml template files to your Eleventy input directory, which are then converted to HTML during your Eleventy build.

I'm working out how you could build your HTML emails within your Eleventy site, and then send them using an email API like Mailjet.


Install package

npm install eleventy-plugin-mjml

Add to .eleventy.js

const { MjmlPlugin } = require("eleventy-plugin-mjml");

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(MjmlPlugin, {
    // if you want to use Nunjucks syntax within your MJML files, set to true
    preprocessWithNunjucks: false,

    // You can add Nunjucks filters here
    // the key is the name of the filter, and the value is the function
    nunjucksFilters: {
      myImaginaryFilter: (value, param) => value,

Add an .mjml file to your input directory

Eg. src/index.mjml

        <mj-text> {{title}}! </mj-text>

If you enable the preprocessWithNunjucks option, you can use Nunjucks within the .mjml files:

title: My Newsletter
