Pinned issues
- 0
Feature Request: Ability to Intercept Keystrokes in Real-Time Even When Running in Background #enhancement #help-wanted
#38 opened by leavie - 6
global listening doesn't seem to work on Ventura
#37 opened by Pomax - 0
Configure which keys to use?
#36 opened by Pomax - 2
Add Aftertouch (trackpad pressure)
#35 opened by kevleyski - 1
Make use of space bar
#16 opened by flit - 9
ChatGPT for the rescue! someone please help me introduce this code into midikeys, it may even solve the issue of certain groups of keys not being able to be triggered at once
#30 opened by xoxo369 - 3
Pitchbend and Modwheel support
#33 opened by EthanSK - 2
Incorrect NoteOff after changing octaves
#9 opened by eclab - 0
- 3
customize keymap and layout
#19 opened by goldengrape - 6
Duplicate: MidiKeys crashes on startup (Big Sur)
#24 opened by fugalh - 2
MidiKeys 1.9 crashing on start
#21 opened by llebron - 9
Crash on Launch here with Big Sur
#20 opened by MonkeybreadSoftware - 2
Octave incorrectly labeled
#8 opened by elgow - 11
MidiKeys is not happy with Big Sur
#10 opened by curieux88 - 0
Scroll keyboard horizontally with trackpad
#18 opened by flit - 0
Switch to using event tap
#15 opened by flit - 0
Big Sur: Window is transparent on startup
#14 opened by flit - 0
#17 opened by flit - 7
Morph MIDIKeys to KEYBOARD TO MIDI MAPPER, to send various MIDI commands per key
#13 opened by stublito - 0
Scrollable keys view
#7 opened by flit - 5
Not all keys can be pressed together
#3 opened by eclab - 1
- 1
Keys get stuck
#5 opened by eclab - 1
Velocity arrow keys cannot be disabled
#6 opened by eclab - 1
Can I send program changes through MidiKeys?
#2 opened by brcambui