
This is a fork of the unmaintained my-ciunit bitbucket repo.

Primary LanguagePHP




class LoginActionTest extends CIUnit_TestCase
    public function setUp()
        $this->CI = set_controller('login');

    public function testLogin()
        $_POST['useremail'] = 'kitsunde@example.org';
        $_POST['password'] = '123';
        $out = output();
        $this->assertRedirects($GLOBALS['OUT'], 'employee/index');

    public function testTemplateRendered()
        $views = output_views();
        $this->assertContains('login', $views);

Install via composer

composer require Celc/ciunit dev-master

Copy the example test directory into the root of your project (same folder as application and system):

cp -R vendor/celc/ciunit/tests ./

Create application/config/testing/database.php for database testing. The database name must end with _test.

Writing tests

The tests directory is an example. You are meant to replace the tests with your own.

Run Tests:

From the tests directory run:
