
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


For an explanation for an avl tree: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVL_tree.

This is a port from the scrytpo-avltree and uses the normal std::collections::Hashmap instead of the scrypto KVStore. https://github.com/ociswap/scrypto-avltree

Compared to a red black tree the AVL tree is optimised for lookup/query performance instead of insert/write performance.

To optimise lookups further this implementation combines the AVL tree implemention with a linked list - allowing to traverse the next left and right nodes directly in O(1) without needing to traverse the tree up and down which would be O(log n).



Checkout the example folder, that provides some basic usage examples.


Add avl tree to your toml config:

avltree = { git = "https://github.com/flix59/rust-avltree", tag = "v1.0.0" }


Instantiation is rather simple:

use avltree::AvlTree;
let mut tree: AvlTree<i32, String> = AvlTree::new();

Insert and get

Inserting a new key value pair is also straight forward:

tree.insert(1, "value");

If the key is already present in the tree, the value will be overwritten and the old value will be returned.

let old_value = tree.insert(1, "new value");
assert_eq!(old_value, Some("value"));

Get and get_mut

The tree can be queried by key:

let value = tree.get(&1);

Or to get a mutable reference to the value:

let value = tree.get_mut(&1);


To iterate over the tree you can use the range, range_back methods. It accepts a range of keys and returns an iterator over the key value pairs: The iterator implements the standard rust iterator: it provides operations like map, for_each, fold, etc. The range is default in rust and can have inclusive or exclusive bounds.

for (key, value) in tree.range(1..10) {
    println!("key: {}, value: {}", key, value);

gives you all values for the keys between 1 and 10 ascending and excluding 10.

for (key, value) in tree.range_back(Excluded(1), Included(10)) {
    println!("key: {}, value: {}", key, value);

gives you all values for the keys between 1 and 10 descending and excluding 1.

Mutable Range

To iterate over the tree and mutate the values you can use the range_mut, range_back_mut methods. It accepts a range of keys and returns an iterator that can be used with the for_each callback

tree.range_mut(1..10).for_each(|(key, value): (&K, &mut V)| {
tree.range_back_mut(1..10).for_each(|(key, value): (&K, &mut V)| {

gives 10 times "mutated" as output. Analogue to the range method the range_back_mut method gives you a descending iterator.


To remove a key value pair from the tree you can use the remove method:

let value = tree.remove(&1));
println!("{}", value);

The method returns the value that was removed from the tree. None is returned, if the key is not present in the tree.


The AVL tree itself is implemented in avl_tree.rs. T