
Robust request and data quality negotiater for robust matched-filter detection of seismic events

Primary LanguagePython


Robust Request And data Quality Negotiater. This package detects seismic events through template matching using EQcorrscan, but at the same time takes care of a wide range of challenges due to data quality issues, metadata errors, noise, legacy data, and specific seismic network setups. RobustRAQN can handle data from a distributed seismic network and one or more seismic arrays to achieve the most sensitive detections of seismic events.

RobustRaqn is still in its Alpha state, so the documentation, tests, tutorials, and API are still under development. You're welcome to try it out and don't hesitate to let me know if you need help with setting up a detection problem.

Here is a list of some of the features:

  • performs checks of data quality based on IRIS Mustang data quality metrics (see ispaq if you'd like to compute quality metrics for your own datasets)
  • takes care of changes in the station setups (e.g., changes in instrument response) and network/station/location/channel codes
  • takes care of mismatches, e.g. for the names of network, channel and location codes between seismic data and metadata in the most sensible way
  • corrects the sampling rate of traces that differ slightly from nominal sampling rate
  • reads in data in parallel (for now, focus on mseed data from a Seiscomp Data Structure)
  • sets sensitive, adjustable thresholds to let users obtain even the smallest detections
  • sets tested, adjustable limits for detections and picked events that sort out a lot of common misdetections in template matching (e.g., minimum number of stations, sites, P- / S-picks)
  • includes all traces from a seismic array for which a pick or beam information is available into the templates, the matched-filter detection, and the lag-calc picking
  • optionally sets station-specific filters derived from noise data
  • optionally applies automatic gain control to reduce the prominence of spurious detections
  • optionally weights channels according to RMS signal-to-noise ratio of template, and noise level during recording of template against noise level in data that is being searched
  • robustrly measures relative amplitudes and computes relative magnitudes based on the templates with effective exclusion of outliers

In addition, there is extra support for:

  • read and write input/output files for the location programs Growclust and Bayesloc
  • sample scripts to deploy a detection run on a SLURM cluster with a two-level parallelization across multiple nodes.
  • tested on a range of datasets to identify common challenges in template matching and handle many edge cases

Here is what's still missing (but planned):

  • include automatic unit testing
  • read IRIS Mustang metrics directly from SQL database or from webservice
  • support alternative cross correlation metrics like C|C|
  • support running from configuration file
  • include detection benchmark sets


In a conda environment:

  • git clone https://github.com/flixha/RobustRAQN
  • cd RobustRAQN
  • conda install --file requirements.txt
  • (you may have to install wcmatch through pip)
  • python setup.py develop

Some functionality may require EQcorrscan's master branch, and some considerable speedups (e.g., for response correction) are not yet merged into obspy's master branch.

If you want to process large datasets, consider the following packages for accelerated cross-correlation calculation:

  • fast_matched_filter for GPU-accelerated correlations on Nvidia / CUDA-supported hardware
  • fmf2 for CPU-accelarated correlations on CPUs with AVX2/AVX512 support, and for GPU-accelerated correlations on systems with a hipSYCL compiler (e.g., Nvidia, AMD, or Intel GPUs)


Go to one of the example folders in robustraqn/Examples. There are example scripts to start the three top-level tasks that you will need to run for a full earthquake detection objective:

  1. 01_make_templates.py: creates the set of templates for detection
  2. 02_detect_events.py: runs the computationally most expensive task of cross-correlating all templates and data
  3. 03_pick_events.py: returns a robust set of arrival picks for significant detections made in the previous task

SLURM support: Each of these tasks can be run on a single-node server or on multi-node clusters. For clusters running Slurm job scheduling, you can find Slurm batch scripts that interface with the python scripts to split the problem set across nodes.

Resource requirements: The memory requirements of your job is a critical parameter that controls how you can split up the full job (e.g., memory consumption for template making scales linearly with number of cores, while memory consumption for task 2 and 3 can to an extent be controlled with the parameter ´n_templates_per_group´)


To get the most reliable earthquake catalog out of Robustraqn, consider the following steps and/or tools:

  1. Connect to a data quality metrics database or create your own metrics database with [http://services.iris.edu/mustang/](IRIS Mustang) or the standalone ispaq
  2. Relocate your catalog template events with Bayesloc to obtain reliable location uncertainties, reduce bias, and recognize problematic events and picks.
  3. Set up definitions for seismic arrays, either for "proper" small/medium/large aperture seismic arrays with SEISARRAY_PREFIXES in seismic_array_tools, or for "virtual" arrays that combine a set of individual stations for distant earthquake observations.
  4. Relocate your catalog detections with cross-correlation based differential travelties using HypoDD, Growclust or Growclust3D.