
Provides an easy-to-use command to dispatch tasks described in a YAML file.

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Simple task dispatcher

go-test go-e2e

Provides an easy-to-use command to dispatch tasks described in a YAML file.

Common use cases:

  • Launching multiple elementary tasks in parallel
  • Add a condition with a task dependent on another
  • Split SQL files to execute statements as elementary tasks
  • Behave as \gexec on multiple connections


  dispatch [options]

  -c, --config=FILE    configuration file
  -h, --help           display this help and exit
  -o, --output=FILE    redirect output to file
  -P, --procs=PROCS    number of processes (default 1)
  -v, --verbose        verbose mode
      --version        show version


Use a valid YAML file to describe tasks.

Tasks declaration

  • tasks: list of tasks to run
    • must be a valid array of tasks as described below

Elementary task

  • id (required)
  • name: as task description
  • type: execution context in following choices
    • sh (default)
    • psql: needs PostgreSQL psql client to be installed
  • command: instruction to be executed
  • env: environment name as described below
  • variables: a map of key-value used as environment variables, takes precedence over env
  • depends_on: a list of identifiers of others tasks declared upstream
# run the following shell commands simultaneously
  - id: 1
    command: echo foo
  - id: 2
    command: echo bar
# execute SQL statement with psql on localhost with default credentials
  - id: 1
    type: psql
    name: run this statement
    command: SELECT user;
      PGHOST: localhost
# make a task dependent from another
  - id: 1
    command: echo foo
  - id: 2
    command: echo bar
    depends_on: [1]

Loader tasks

A loader is an extended task that dispatch instructions from a result command or a file. Delimiter detection is provided by Fragment package and only PgSQL and Shell languages are supported.

To read and dispatch instructions from a file, use this:

  • file: instructions to be loaded from a file
# run queries from a file simultaneously
  - id: 1
    type: psql
    name: dispatch queries from a file
    file: queries.sql

To dispatch commands from a specific result command, use the following configuration:

  • loaded: in place of command
    • from: source execution context
    • command: instruction to be executed
    • env: environment name as described below
    • variables: a map of key-value used as environment variables
# run queries generated by another query in parallel
  - id: 1
    type: sh
    name: execute reindexdb for all table except log
      from: psql
      command: |
        SELECT format('reindexdb -v -t %I;', tablename) FROM pg_tables
        WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename NOT IN ('log')

Named environments

  • environments: declares named environment used by commands
    • name: environment name (default applied to all tasks)
    • variables: a map of key-value used as environment variables
  - name: custom
      PGHOST: remote.example.com
      PGUSER: alice
  - name: default
      PGDATABASE: postgres

  - id: 1
    name: Use variables, custom env and default env scopes
    env: custom
      PGAPPNAME: my_app


  • procs: declares number of processes
    • option --procs takes precedence
    • limited by the number of logical CPUs usable by the main process
procs: 1

# run the following tasks sequentially
  - id: 1
    command: echo foo
  - id: 2
    command: echo bar


  • output: redirect output to a file
  • verbose: print debugging messages
output: result.out
verbose: true


Bats testing framework is used. End-to-end tests are located under t/ directory A local PostgreSQL instance is required with postgres/postgres authentication or trust method in pg_hba.conf

go build -tags testing
bats t

# or using
make test

Unit tests are provided under internal packages.

go test ./...