This repository is for the replication of our paper Mixed Integer Programming Formulation for Fault Identification based on MicroPMUs. Files description:

1- 'mipforfualt.m' : is the matlab code (Mixed Integer Programming Formulation). it tests each bus in the feeder for single, double and three phase fault.

2- 'ieee37.DSS, Run_IEEE123Bus.DSS and 134.DSS' are th OpenDSS main files.

3- 'P.mat' is microPMUs placment file.

Testing Requirements

To run all the codes succeesfully you need to have CVX (Mosek,Gorubi) and OpenDSS.

Citation is required

If you find this code useful for your research, please cite

@inproceedings{Mohammed2021MIP, title={Mixed Integer Programming Formulation for Fault Identification based on MicroPMUs}, author={Alqahtani, Mohammed, Miao, Zhixin and Fan, Lingling}, journal={International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems}, volume={-}, number={-}, pages={-}, year={2021}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} }