
Primary LanguageMATLAB


L. Fan, Z. Miao, S. Shah, P. Koralewicz, V. Gevorgian and J. Fu, "Data-Driven Dynamic Modeling in Power Systems: A Fresh Look on Inverter-Based Resource Modeling," in IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 64-76, May-June 2022, doi: 10.1109/MPE.2022.3150827.


@ARTICLE{fan2022data, author={Fan, Lingling and Miao, Zhixin and Shah, Shahil and Koralewicz, Przemyslaw and Gevorgian, Vahan and Fu, Jian}, journal={IEEE Power and Energy Magazine}, title={Data-Driven Dynamic Modeling in Power Systems: A Fresh Look on Inverter-Based Resource Modeling}, year={2022}, volume={20}, number={3}, pages={64-76}, doi={10.1109/MPE.2022.3150827}}

RLC Example

In this example of an RLC circuit, the time-domain transient response data are generated by a step change in the source voltage with the capacitor voltage measured at a sampling period of 0.001 s. A white noise is imposed. The data are used to identify the input/output model: from the source voltage to the capacitor voltage. Furthermore, the parameters of R, L, C will be mapped from the transfer function coefficients. In addition, we assume to have 30 points of frequency response data available. Using frequency-domain data fitting, we may find the transfer function. We also resort to the PEM method and show how to directly find the RLC circuit parameters. The codes of this tutorial example are available at https://github.com/fllseu/RLCExample.

RLC_PEM: PEM method for gray-box model identification

RLC_example_v1_print.m: From time-domain data to a transfer function

RLC_example_v2_print.m: From frequency-domain data to a transfer function.