
Ansible script to install sinopia server

Primary LanguageShell

Ansible Playbook for Sinopia

An ansible playbook to build sinopia server

Important: This script will update your nodejs to a stable version

How to run the installation

In another machine

Install ansible in your machine and clone this repository. Edit the inventory file with the host's ips you want to run sinopia on Run:

ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml -u <machine-user> -kK

In vagrant

vagrant up

How to publish packages

Run this in your machine:

$npm set registry http://localhost:4873

Create a user (in this case any user is allowed):

$npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873

This settings will be saved in your ~/.npmrc now it's only a matter to run:

$npm publish

Packages installed by Ansible

  • Nodejs (latest stable)
  • Npm
  • Wget
  • zip
  • vim

Configurations made by Ansible

  • Instalation directory: /var/www/sinopia
  • URL: http://localhost:4873/
  • Create user called sinopia in the server
  • Install sinopia with a non-restriction config file which means that everyone will be able to pubilsh and read packages
  • Creates a sinopia.sh script to start and stop the server
  • Add sinopia.sh to cron so it can start sinopia on every reboot

Run sinopia manually in the server


$cd /var/www/sinopia

$sudo ./sinopia.sh start


$cd /var/www/sinopia

$sudo ./sinopia.sh stop

What if I want to restrict access to sinopia?

  • Change config file
  • Go to the server and run $npm login or $npm adduser. It will create a user and sinopia will use it
  • After that don't forget to ask you team to run: $npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873