Make Vim more usable for viewing and editing plain text
Version: 0.1
- The syntax file colors numbers, punctuation marks, links, quoted or bracketed text, Shell/C/C++ style comments, list items, TODOs/ERRORs, etc.
- The ftplugin file includes some usable settings when viewing and editing text file.
- The ftdetect file auto-detects text file according to file extension name.
- Support CJK characters.
- If the text contains unmatching quotation/bracket marks, syntax color will be a little odd.
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone --depth=1
" Add this line in vim-plug section:
Plug 'flniu/txt.vim'
" Then run commands in vim:
:so %
版本: 0.1
- syntax文件分色显示数字、标点符号、链接、引号或括号中的文字、Shell/C/C++风格的注释、列表项、TODOs/ERRORs、等等。
- ftplugin文件包含一些查看和编辑纯文本文件的设置。
- ftdetect文件根据扩展名自动识别纯文本文件。
- 支持CJK字符集。
- 如果文本中包含不匹配的引号或括号,文字的颜色会不正常。
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone --depth=1
" 在vim-plug配置节中添加这一行:
Plug 'flniu/txt.vim'
" 然后在vim中执行:
:so %