
EPUB Rename

Primary LanguagePython

EPUB Rename

Script epub-rename.py will extract EPUB title and author metadata and rename the file as <title>.epub, <title> - <author>.epub or <author> - <title>.epub.


All EPUB files in the current working directory will be renamed. This can be changed by listing files or directories with -p, --paths or without a flag. A mix of files and directories can be listed. If a directory is passed all contained EPUB files will be renamed (subdirectories will be ignored).

By default files will be renamed as <title>.epub. The arument -n or --name can be used to change the naming template with options t for <title>.epub, ta for <title> - <author>.epub or at for <author> - <title>.epub.

Use -q or --quiet to suppress info messages.

Use --dry-run to list changes without renaming.

Update metadata

Additional script epub-update-metadata.py can be used to update metadata for a specified EPUB file. Currently, only title and/or author are supported.

Supply a valid EPUB with -p, --path. Specifiy title with -t, --title and/or author with -a, --author.

Use -q or --quiet to suppress info messages.