Node.js implementation of the Web Bluetooth Specification
Node.js > v6.15.0, which includes npm
$ npm install webbluetooth
See the examples or view the API documentation at:
The Web Bluetooth specification can be found here:
- referringDevice - specification unstable
- getAvailability() - specification unstable
- requestDevice()
- RequestDeviceOptions.namePrefix
- RequestDeviceOptions.optionalServices
- RequestDeviceOptions.acceptAllDevices
- RequestDeviceOptions.manufacturerData - specification unstable
- RequestDeviceOptions.serviceData - specification unstable
- id
- name
- gatt
- watchingAdvertisements - specification unstable
- watchAdvertisements() - specification unstable
- unwatchAdvertisements() - specification unstable
- connected
- device
- connect()
- disconnect()
- getPrimaryService()
- getPrimaryServices()
- device
- uuid
- isPrimary
- getCharacteristic()
- getCharacteristics()
- getIncludedService()
- getIncludedServices()
- service
- uuid
- properties
- value
- getDescriptor()
- getDescriptors()
- readValue()
- writeValue()
- startNotifications()
- stopNotifications()
- characteristic
- uuid
- value
- readValue()
- writeValue()
- availabilitychanged - specification unstable
- gattserverdisconnected
- characteristicvaluechanged
- serviceadded
- servicechanged - unsupported in noble
- serviceremoved - unsupported in noble
- Device selector hook
- Lookups for known services, characteristics and descriptors
- Canonical UUID helper
- Examples
- API Documentation