The low latency audio plugin is designed to enable low latency and polyphonic audio from Cordova/PhoneGap applications, using a very simple and basic API.
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- 16
- 1
#106 opened by syavcin - 1
What is completeCallback
#60 opened by sungwoncho - 3
Plugin should use a background thread
#85 opened by koraysels - 9
Background music stop when the application start
#105 opened by PatBoulay - 29
Sound is still on while silent switch on iOS
#82 opened by CLIDOapps - 1
playing audio files from user library
#53 opened by github202020 - 1
- 2
- 3
PreloadComplex not working
#91 opened by stuhowarth - 8
No sound on iOS 10 anymore (9.x is OK)
#100 opened by andreasotto - 8
Invalid character in entity name
#110 opened by dylanvdmerwe - 3
Buggy stop() on Android 6.0.1
#99 opened by mad-gooze - 0
Visual Studio Installation
#93 opened by TrajkovicB - 0
Loop starts correctly but from the second loop on it starts much too early
#101 opened by BodoWissemann - 2
iOS 9.3.1 cannot play long mp3
#83 opened by katamshut - 3
no audio on iPhone running iOS 9.2
#70 opened by chicheongweng - 1
Play an array sound list
#98 opened by LautaroRiveiro - 3
Ambient audio (AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient)
#75 opened by mrnebbi - 0
- 4
Cordova 6.0.0: AudioSessionInitialize deprecated
#72 opened by av01d - 0
Shifted sounds with preloadComplex IOS 9+
#96 opened by Faksprod - 0
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- 0
NativeAudio plugin error on Ionic
#89 opened by andreyshedko - 3
Ability to keep playing sound when app is inactive (e.g. when the screen is turned off, or the user switches to another app)
#66 opened by eworker2003 - 1
Need audio run in background in Android
#87 opened by Neotrixsx - 1
Android Background Audio
#86 opened by ScottDodsonDev - 0
Voices working incorrectly on Android 6.0
#84 opened by veloolev - 1
done playing, play next
#81 opened by iBasit - 0
- 0
error: java.io.FileNotFoundException
#79 opened by joeyhoogerwerf - 1
How to?
#78 opened by MrGlasspoole - 4
Failed to install 'de.neofonie.cordova.plugin.nativeaudio':CordovaError: Uh oh!
#77 opened by pandres95 - 3
Mute function?
#65 opened by muvaf - 1
works on ios emulator running iOS 9.2 but won't no sound on a iPhone 5 running iOS 9.2
#69 opened by chicheongweng - 2
Not pausing system media player on sound play , probably via AVAudioSessionInterruption
#67 opened by antsav - 7
Initial [buggy] delay in playing on Android 6.0
#74 opened by thgie - 3
Error adding plugin
#73 opened by nitzanwilnai - 0
Resume App incorrect behaviour for looping music
#71 opened by Galaen - 0
Typos in MD ?
#68 opened by fleather - 4
Gapless sound looping
#63 opened by manzapanza - 0
- 0
Plugin hooks should be updated with cordova 5.4.0
#59 opened by zwz - 0
Distorted Audio
#56 opened by mileung - 2
How do I know if I successfully preloaded an mp3?
#55 opened by mileung - 0
Out of bounds exception
#54 opened by MrNickBarker - 1
Refrence to files is intermittent on Android 5.01
#52 opened by daiuto - 0
AudioTrack obtainBuffer err -11
#51 opened by qwelias