
Fork on mumoshu/kube-airflow. Docker images and kubernetes config files to run Airflow on Kubernetes

Primary LanguageGo

Airflow in Kubernetes Executor


  • Download Docker Desktop from [here](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop] and setup in your local machine)
  • Download Virtualbox from here and setup in your local machine
  • Install Minikube, Helm & add package repo
    brew update
    # install minikube for local development
    brew install minikube
    # install helm
    brew install kubernetes-helm
    # add package repository to helm
    helm repo add stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com
    # initialize docker-machine
    docker-machine start
    docker-machine env
    eval $(docker-machine env)



# Set params on Makefile
# Setting LOCAL = False will deploy to GCP

# If the Airflow UI doesn't load, wait until the K8s dashboard is healthy (~6-10 min).
$ make start

# Once `make-start` completes, the following can be run on different terminals for monitoring.
$ kubectl get pods --watch  # to monitor the pod health
$ make browse-dash  # to get the K8s dashboard
$ make tail-k8-web  # tails log for web pod
$ make tail-k8-scheduler  # tails log for scheduler pod

# Once you are done with the services you can stop everything with the following:
$ make clean