Swift AppKit/UIKit extensions, classes and utilities

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A framework with Swift AppKit and UIKit extensions, classes & utilities.

For a full documentation take a look at the included documentation located at /Documentation. Opening the file launches Xcode's documentation browser.

Notable Extensions & Classes

NSContentConfiguration & NSContentView

A port of UIContentConfiguration & UIContentView to AppKit.


A content configuration suitable for hosting a hierarchy of SwiftUI views.

let configuration = NSHostingConfiguration() {
    Label("Your account", systemImage: "folder.circle")

collectionViewItem.contentConfiguration = configuration


A content configuration suitable for backgrounds.

var configuration = NSBackgroundConfiguration()

configuration.backgroundColor = .controlAccentColor
configuration.cornerRadius = 6.0
configuration.shadow = .black
configuration.imageProperties.tintColor = .purple

let backgroundView = NSBackgroundView(configuration: configuration)


A content configuration for a content-unavailable view. It is a composable description of a view that indicates your app can’t display content. Using a content-unavailable configuration, you can obtain system default styling for a variety of different empty states.

let configuration = NSContentUnavailableConfiguration.loading() // A loading view that is displaying a spinning indicator.

configuration.text = "Loading…"
configuration.secondaryText = "The database is getting loaded."

let loadingView = NSContentUnavailableView(configuration: configuration)

NSView extensions

  • backgroundColor: The background color of a view that automatically adjusts on light/dark mode changes and can be animated via animator().
view.backgroundColor = .systemRed
  • mask: Masks a view with another view whose alpha channel is used for masking.
view.mask = roundedView
  • Properties that can be all animated via the views animator():

    • cornerRadius: CGFloat
    • cornerCurve: CALayerCornerCurve
    • roundedCorners: CACornerMask
    • borderWidth: CGFloat
    • borderColor: NSColor?
    • center: CGPoint
    • transform: CGAffineTransform
    • transform3D: CATransform3D
    • anchorPoint: CGPoint
    • NSTextField: fontSize: CGFloat
  • menuProvider: Provides a right click menu.

tableView.menuProvider = { textField in
    let menu = NSMenu()
    menu.addItem(NSMenuItem(title: "\(selectedRowIndexes.count) rows selected"))
    return mneu
  • WindowHandlers:
// Some examples:
view.windowHandlers.window = { newWindow in
    // handle newWindow
view.windowHandlers.isKey = { isKey in
    // handle window isKey
  • MouseHandlers:
// Some examples:
view.mouseHandlers.down = { mouseDown in
    // handle mouse click
view.mouseHandlers.moved = { mouseMoved in
    // handle mouse move
  • ViewHandlers:
// Some examples:
view.viewHandlers.superview = { newSuperview in
    // handle superview change
view.viewHandlers.frame = { frame in
    // handle frame change
view.viewHandlers.effectiveAppearance { appearance in
    // handle appearance change
  • DropHandlers for dropping files to the view:
view.dropHandlers.canDrop = { items, mouseLocation in
    if items.images?.isEmpty == false || items.fileURLs?.isEmpty == false {
        return true
    } else {
        return false
view.dropHandlers.didDrop = { items, mouseLocation in
    if let images = items.images {
        // handle dropped images
    if let fileURLs = items.fileURLs {
        // handle dropped file urls
  • Convenience way of animating view properties:
view.animate(duration: 0.5) {
    $0.cornerRadius = 4.0
    $0.borderWidth = 2.0
    $0.borderColor = .controlAccentColor

NSImage prepareForDisplay & prepareThumbnail

An UIImage port for generating thumbnails and to prepare and decode images to provide much better performance displaying them. It offers synchronous and asynchronous (either via asyc/await or completionHandler) implementations.

// prepared decoded image for better performance
let preparedImage = await image.preparingForDisplay() 

// thumbnail image
let maxThumbnailSize = CGSize(width: 512, height: 512)
image.prepareThumbnail(of: maxThumbnailSize) { thumbnailImage in
    // thumbnailImage…

Content Configurations

Configurates several aspects of views, windows, etc. Examples:

  • VisualEffect: Adds a visual effect to the background
window.visualEffect = .darkAqua()
view.visualEffect = .vibrantLight(material: .sidebar)
  • Shadow/InnerShadow:
let shadow = ShadowConfiguration(color: .controlAccentColor, opacity: 0.5, radius: 3.0)
view.outerShadow = shadow

// inner shadow
view.innerShadow = shadow
  • Border
let border = BorderConfiguration(color: .black, width: 1.0)
view.border = border

let dashedBorder: BorderConfiguration = .dashed(color: .red)
view.border = dashedBorder
  • SymbolConfiguration: A simplified version of UIImage/NSImage.SymbolConfiguration.
let symbolConfiguration: ImageSymbolConfiguration = .hierarchical(color: .red)
symbolConfiguration.font = .body
symbolConfiguration.imageScaling = .large
imageView.configurate(using: symbolConfiguration)
  • Text
var textConfiguration = TextConfiguration()
textConfiguration.font = .body
textConfiguration.color = .systemRed
textConfiguration.numberOfLines = 1
textConfiguration.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
textField.configurate(using: textConfiguration)

NSSegmentedControl Segments

Configurates the segments of a NSSegmentedControl:

let segmentedControl = NSSegmentedControl() {
    NSSegment("Segment 1").isSelected(true)
    NSSegment("Segment 2"), 
    NSSegment(NSImage(named: "myImage")!)
    NSSegment(symbolName: "photo")


  • adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth and minimumScaleFactor (Port of UILabel)
textField.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
textField.minimumScaleFactor = 0.7
  • minimumNumberOfCharacters, maximumNumberOfCharacters and allowedCharacters
textField.maximumNumberOfCharacters = 20
textField.allowedCharacters = [.lowercaseLetters, .digits, .emojis]
  • actionOnEnterKeyDown, actionOnEscapeKeyDown & endEditingOnOutsideMouseDown:
// Ends editing on enter/return.
textField.actionOnEnterKeyDown = .endEditing
// Cancels editing on escape and resets the text to the previous state.
textField.actionOnEscapeKeyDown = .endEditingAndReset
// Ends editing when the user clicks outside the text field.
textField.endEditingOnOutsideMouseDown = true
  • automaticallyResizesToFit: Automatically adjust the text field size to fit it's text'.

  • EditingHandlers:

textField.editingHandlers.didBegin {
    // Editing of the text did begin
textField.editingHandlers.didEdit {
    // Text did change
textField.editingHandlers.shouldEdit { 
    newText in 
    return true


Configurate the items of a NSToolbar.

let toolbar = Toolbar("ToolbarIdentifier") {
        Button("OpenItem", title: "Open…")
            .onAction() { /// Button pressed }
        Segmented("SegmentedItem") {
            Segment("Segment 1", isSelected: true)
            Segment("Segment 2"),
        }.onAction() { /// Segmented pressed }
            .onSearch() { searchField, stringValue, state in /// Searching }
toolbar.attachedWindow = window


Configurate the items of a Menu.

let menu = NSMenu() {
        .onSelect() { // Open item Pressed }
        .onSelect() { // Delete item Pressed }
    NSMenuItem() {
        HStack {


A text field with a date property that automatically updates its string baased on date. It can show the date absolute or relative.

let textField = DateTextField(date: Date())
textField.dateDisplayMode = .relative // It displays e.g. "2 mins ago"
textField.dateDisplayMode = .absolute // It displays e.g. "04.04.2023 10:20pm"


A NSTextField that automatically resizes to fit it's text.

let textField = ResizingTextField(string: "Some string")
textField.automaticallyResizesToFit = true
textField.maxWidth = 200 // The max width of the text field when resizing.


An advanced NSImageView that supports scaleToFill, multiple images, gif animation speed, etc.

let imageView = ImageView()
imageView.imageScaling = .resizeAspectFill
imageView.image = myGifImage
imageView.animationDuration = 3.0 /// gif animation speed
imageView.animationPlaybackOption = .mouseHover /// animation plays on mouse hover
imageView.animationPlaybackOption = .mouseDown /// toggle playback via mouse click

AVPlayer extensions

  • isLooping: Easy looping of the playing item.
player.isLooping = true
  • state: The current playback state of the player: .isPlaying, .isPaused, .isStopped, .error(Error)
  • seek(toPercentage: Double)

NSMagnificationGestureRecognizer extension

  • velocity: The velocity of the magnification in scale factor per second.


A much more precise Timer which time interval can be changed without invalidating the timer.

let timer = DisplayLinkTimer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: .seconds(3.0), action: {
    // some action
timer.timeInterval = .minutes(1)

NSAlert supressionKey

Provide a supression key to NSAlert to allow the user to opt out of showing the alert again by showing a suppression checkbox.

If the user opts out, the alert won't be shown again and will instead return as response suppress.

let alert = NSAlert.informational("My Alert")
alert.supressionKey = "someKey"

let response = alert.runModal()
if response == .suppress {
    // The alert was suppressed