
An evolving archer MMO

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Archer project

npm run dev

version 1

  • x create basic project
  • x send something to a collection on Firebase
  • x try saving the day with https://www.firebase.com/docs/security/bolt/quickstart.html
  • x (if that doesnt work, well, time to move to own server)
  • x setup phaser and one player
  • x player shoot on SPACE
  • x arrow collide, stop
  • x sync spawn
  • x sync arrrow shot
  • x sync disconnect
  • SKIP think/implement arrow colision event
  • SKIP ensure real-time actions display well
  • x push force github older project
  • x tag properly
  • SKIP prepare Azure server to run multiple archer versions!

version 2

  • apply Phaser drag and drop example
  • WHY? correct the pId, maybe remove it, should be server side anyway
  • WHY? replay events with consistent timing
  • WHY? set a persistent pId (think of player dictionary too on server & client)
  • render archer doll
