
Collection of solutions for OSUE fall semester 2020 [TU Wien]

Primary LanguageC


Collection of solutions for OSUE fall semester 2020 [TU Wien]

All tasks pdfs

This repository also includes a test-suite for the http exercise.

About the solutions

Each solution should be compileable with make all on a recent Linux x86 with GNU make. However, I didn't test any of the solutions.

Contribute your solution (GitHub)

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Copy the template folder and rename it.
  3. Fill out the README.md in your folder and paste your solution.
  4. Create a Pull Request.

Thank you, you are awesome 😊🎉

Note: Replace your name and matriculation number in all source files if you want to contribute anonymously.

Contribute your solution (Discord)

In case you don't have a GitHub account, you can send me your solution on Discord TU Wien Informatik Server where I am the only flofriday.