
Geomodeller extension for PyTOUGH

Primary LanguagePython


Geomodeller extension for PyTOUGH, used in the following publications (click on image to get to publication webpage):

Screenshot Computers and Geosciences page

If you use geophytough, please cite this publication as: J. Florian Wellmann, Stefan Finsterle, Adrian Croucher, Integrating Structural Geological Data into the Inverse Modelling Framework of iTOUGH2, Computers & Geosciences, Available online 31 October 2013, ISSN 0098-3004, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2013.10.014.

PyTOUGH is a Python library by Adrian Croucher for automating TOUGH2 simulation, also hosted on github:
