
Programs sources with my patches to apply.

Primary LanguageC

Sources for environment


  • Each program is stored into a git submodule.
  • Each program configuration and modification is stored in the directory of the same name
  • If multiple modifications have to be applied there have to be applied in order
  • Each programm holds his modifications into a patches directory
  • Submodule changes must not be committed unless the original submodule master branch changes. In this case, only reference to master branch must be committed

Program modifications

  • Programs are modified by applying patches
  • Patches are applied in order
  • A new branch has to be created from master to apply patches
  • A commit has to be performed between each patch application
  • If conflicts occurs from a patch
    • Apply patch manually (by retyping the code)
    • Create a custom diff to append to the patch list
    • Commit job

How to build?

  • Go into the program directory folder
  • Copy its configuration and apply its patches in order
  • Build program


  • Find a solution to manage sources easier than a submodule
  • Create a Makefile or an install script to build prgramm in a simple way