
Basic functions to use the SparkFun MAX30105 Particle Sensor (with I2C interface) attached to the micro:bit

Primary LanguagePython


Basic functions to use the SparkFun MAX30105 Particle Sensor (with I2C interface) on the micro:bit.

see: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14045 for the Sensor breakout board and: https://www.microbit.co.uk/home for the micro:bit.

how to connect the breakout board to the micro:bit:

SCL --> pin19

SDA --> pin20

5V --> 3V (works!)

GND --> 0

Python code is not documented within .py file due to memory restrcitions on the micro:bit.

Here is what the module does:

i2c_read_register(REGISTER, n_BYTES=1):

Wraps cycle of consecutive write/read commands in order to read a to be defined number of bytes from a given register address, which makes the microbit built-in "microbit.i2.write" function more comfortable. REGISTER: hex address of given register to be read from n_BYTES: amount of bytes to be retrieved in burst reads, defaults to 1.

i2c_set_register(REGISTER, VALUE):

Collects register address and value to be written, puts them into a list for the "bytearray" function (for converting the list into bytes to be sent), which makes the micro:bit built-in "microbit.i2.write" function more comfortable. REGISTER: hex address of given register to be written to. VALUE: settings to be sent to the register.


Reads a given register, masks it and then sets the register with new values Calls the class functions "i2c_read_register" and "i2c_set_register". REGISTER: hex address of given register to be written to. MASK: bit mask. NEW_VALUES: settings to be changed sent to the register.

setup_sensor(LED_MODE=3, LED_POWER=0x1F, PULSE_WIDTH=0):

Function to setup the sensor with all key parameters. Parameters to be set from calling the function: LED_MODE: set which LEDs are used for sampling (1: red LED only, 2: red and IR LEDs, 3: red, IR, and green LEDs). LED_POWER: sets the LED current ([x00h - 0xFFh], corresponds to [0 - 50 mA]. PULSE_WIDTH: sets the LED pulse width (the IR, red, and green have the same pulse width), and therefore sets the integration time of the ADC in each sample. For convenient conversion later, pulse times of 411, 215, 118 and 69 µs correspond to: 0 = 18 bit, 1 = 17 bit, 2 = 16 bit, and 3 = 15 bit.

Parameters to be set by hard-coding within the function code: SAMPLE_AVG: adjacent samples (in each individual channel) can be averaged and decimated on the chip. FIFO_ROV: enable or disable roll-over if FIFO over flows. SAMPLE_RATE: sets the effective sampling rate with one sample consisting of one IR pulse/conversion and one RED pulse/conversion. ADC_RANGE: sets the particle-sensing sensor ADC’s full-scale range.

FIFO_bytes_to_int(FIFO_bytes, shift):

Unpacks the 3 bytes per channel, mask with 0x3FFFF, and performs bit-shifting according to actual bit resolution (which depends on the pulse width setting) of the sensor. Makes use of the "ustruct.unpack" function (which converts 4 bytes to a 32-bit integer; the 4th byte is added as an extra x00). FIFO_bytes: part of a buffer returned from FIFO burst reads, corresponding to 3-byte channel data. shift: bit-shift needed to convert to either 15- (>>3), 16- (>>2), or 17-bit (>>1). The default setting of 18-bit needs no shifting (>>0).


Reads the sensor by retrieving data from the FIFO at a given read pointer. Calls "FIFO_bytes_to_int" class fucntion to convert bytes into integers. POINTER_POSITION: FIFO read pointer, one of 32 samples (0-31).


Creates a dynamic 5x5 LED image from the sensor value to visualize current reading. Sequentially builds an image string and then uses the "microbit.Image" function to show a representation of the current sensor value on the micro_bit LED matrix.