
🕹️ A curated list of awesome things related to Flojoy

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Awesome Flojoy Awesome

A curated list of awesome things related to Flojoy


Studio Apps

Here are some awesome apps that you can start using with Flojoy Studio.

The easiest way to get started with those apps is by downloading the Flojoy Studio desktop app, and you will be able to load these apps directly using the App Gallery function inside of Flojoy Studio.


Capture, analyze, and plot oscilloscope data.

DAQ and CAN bus loggers

Acquire data from DAQ and CAN boards.

Multimeters & Sourcemeters

Automate current and voltage measurements.

Signal Generators & Analyzers

Generate, acquire, and analyze signal data.

Digital Signal Processing

Apply DSP to acquired measurement data.

Robotics & Motor Control

Control precision movements with Flojoy.

Image Processing

Apply image processing to acquired images.


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