
A PassNinja API helper library for Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Use passninja-swift as an iOS package.

Status Issues ios package



Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11 and above)

  1. Select File/Swift Packages/Add Package Dependency… from the menu.
  2. Paste https://github.com/flomio/passninja-swift.git.
  3. Follow the steps and select from main branch.



Use this class to init a Passninja object. Make sure to pass your user credentials to make any authenticated requests.

import PassNinjaSwift

let accountId = "**your-account-id**"
let apiKey = "**your-api-key**"

PassNinja.initWith(accountId: accountId, apiKey: apiKey)

We've placed our demo user API credentials in this example. Replace it with your actual API credentials to test this code through your PassNinja account and don't hesitate to contact PassNinja with our built in chat system if you'd like to subscribe and create your own custom pass type(s).

For more information on how to use passninja-swift once it loads, please refer to the PassNinja Swift API reference


This library currently supports methods for creating, getting, updating, and deleting passes via the PassNinja api. The methods are outlined below.


PassClient.shared.createPass(pass: PassRequest(passType: "demo.coupon", pass: [discount: '50%', memberName: 'John']), onSuccess: { (pass) in
    print(pass.urls as Any)
    print(pass.passType as Any)
    print(pass.serialNumber as Any)
    print(pass.pass?.logoText as Any)
    print(pass.pass?.descriptionField as Any)
}) { (error) in
    print(error as Any)


PassClient.shared.getPass(passType: "demo.coupon", serialNumber: "#Your pass serial number", onSuccess: { (pass) in
    print(pass.urls as Any)
    print(pass.passType as Any)
    print(pass.serialNumber as Any)
    print(pass.pass?.logoText as Any)
    print(pass.pass?.descriptionField as Any)
}) { (error) in
    print(error as Any)

Get Pass Template Details

PassClient.shared.getPassTemplate(passType: "demo.coupon", onSuccess: { (passTemplate) in
    print(passTemplate.id as Any)
    print(passTemplate.passTypeId as Any)
    print(passTemplate.name as Any)
}) { (error) in
    print(error as Any)


PassClient.shared.putPass(pass: PassRequest(passType: "demo.coupon", pass: ["passTitle": "Example passTitleValue", "logoText": "Example logoTextValue", "organizationName": "Example organizationNameValue", "description": "Example descriptionValue"], serialNumber: "#Your pass serial number"), onSuccess: { (pass) in
    print(pass.urls as Any)
    print(pass.passType as Any)
    print(pass.serialNumber as Any)
    print(pass.pass?.logoText as Any)
    print(pass.pass?.descriptionField as Any)
    print(pass.pass?.expiration as Any)
}) { (error) in
    print(error as Any)


PassClient.shared.deletePass(passType: "demo.coupon", serialNumber: pass?.serialNumber ?? "", clientPassData: [:], onSuccess: {
    print("Pass deleted successfully")
}) { (error) in
    print(error as Any)
