
.NET cross-platform easy to use document storage engine

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


.NET cross-platform easy to use document storage engine. Documents are kept on disc as files. It is supposed to be used with small to medium datasets, as it is not a high performance solution. The default implementation uses Json.Net as default serializer which is useful for symple types, a binary serializer is also provided via SharpSerializer.PCL for more complex types with fields that use inherited classes.

Install with nuget

PM> Install-Package EasyDocumentStorage.PCL


  • Net45
  • WP8.1
  • Windows 8
  • WP8 Silverlight
  • Xamarin Android
  • Xamarin iOS
  • Xamarin iOS Classic
  • Xamarin.Mac.Unified

Let' see some code!

Type registration

Create a simple document class first:

class MyDocument {
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Author { get; set; }

Somewhere in your code you need to register the previously created MyDocument class, this is the only configuration needed, as EasyDocumentStorage treats ids internally as string and doesn't know which field to use as an id. This way you can use whatever type/field you want as id, as long as you provide a converter that returns a string.

void main(){
	EZDocumentStorage.Default.Register<MyDocument>(document => document.Id.ToString());


Simple Types

bool InsertNewDocument( int id, string name, string author ){
    var document = new MyDocument() {
    	Id = id,
        Name = name,
        Author = author
    return EZDocumentStorage.Default.Insert(document);

bool UpdateDocument( MyDocument document ){
    return EZDocumentStorage.Default.InsertOrUpdate(document);

IEnumerable<MyDocument> GetAllDocuments(){
    return EZDocumentStorage.Default.Get<MyDocument>();

IEnumerable<MyDocument> GetAllDocumentsFromAuthor( string author ){
    return EZDocumentStorage.Default.Get<MyDocument>( (doc) => doc.Author == author );

bool DeleteAllDocuments(){
    var docs = GetAllDocuments();
    return EZDocumentStorage.Default.Delete(docs);

Complex Types

When storing complex types with the Json.Net serializer, keep in mind that Json doesn't store any type information, polymorphism is hence not supported. Example:

interface IContent {


class TextContent : IContent {
    public string Text { get; set; }

class BitmapContent : IContent {
    public Bitmap Bitmap { get; set; }

class MyDocument {
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Author { get; set; }
    public List<IContent> Contents { get; set; } // a document can have many IContent derived items

Let's create a new document with some content:

var document = new MyDocument(){
    Id = 1,
    Name = "Document",
    Author = "Author",
    Contents = new List<IContent>(){
    	new TextContent(){ 
            Text = "Hello World"
        new TextContent(){
            Text = "From Json"
        new BitmapContent(){
            Bitmap = new Bitmap()

In this case, when serializing the document, Json.Net will actually store the values of the content items, but when deserializing it will not know which type to instantiate and the Contents collection will be empty. The binary serializer can overcome this by storing type information.

Binary Serialization

void main(){
    EZDocumentStorage.Default.Serializer = new BinaryDocumentSerializer();


For all CRUD methods there is an async extension:

public static Task<bool> InsertAsync<T>(this IEZDocumentStorage eds, T document)

public static Task<bool> InsertAllAsync<T>(this IEZDocumentStorage eds, IEnumerable<T> documents)

public static Task<bool> InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(this IEZDocumentStorage eds, T document)

public static Task<bool> InsertOrUpdateAllAsync<T>(this IEZDocumentStorage eds, IEnumerable<T> documents)

public static Task<bool> DeleteAsync<T>(this IEZDocumentStorage eds, T document)

public static Task<bool> DeleteAllAsync<T>(this IEZDocumentStorage eds, IEnumerable<T> documents)

public static Task<bool> ExistsAsync<T>(this IEZDocumentStorage eds, string documentId)

public static Task<T> GetByIdAsync<T>(this IEZDocumentStorage eds, string documentId)

public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAsync<T>(this IEZDocumentStorage eds, Func<T, bool> clause = null)


Optionally you can use the provided cache to speed up the system a little bit:

EZDocumentStorage.Default.Cache = new EZDocumentCache();


There is also a cryptography layer if you need it, just add:

EZDocumentStorage.Default.EncryptionService = new EZDocumentEncryptionService("mykey", "mysalt");

Documents will automatically get encrypted with AES 128bit.