
My react boilerplate extracted from https://github.com/memorypop-browser-addon

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

What's this?

This is a minimal "boilerplate" for react projects and uses the following:

  1. Karma for tests with Jasmine for it's test framework and, webpack as a preprocessor and support for tests in Firefox and Chrom(e)(ium)
  2. Webpack with Babel and style-loader.
  • Babel only has the react-presetconfigured (this seems to come with support of the es2015-preset).
  • Webpack is configured with webpack.config.js and builds in to dist/
  1. Express.js to run __project_root__/dev-app.js, which can be used to see the app loaded into dist/bundle.js

File and project structure

  1. Files are kept in src/. Being a boilerplate project, there is no support for sources in subfolders of source (though this may change in the future).
  2. Test files are meant to be kept alongside their source files in the src/ folder.
  3. Compilation of the app with yarn build uses Webpack to deliver a bundle.js into dist/

Getting started

  • clone
  • cd react-boilerplate
  • yarn install


karma start runs a single karma test-run on dummy instances, components, etc and exits.


webpack --config webpack.config.js builds into dist/bundle.js