
Classy is a simple Flask app which demonstrates one possible use of the Classes API.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Classy is a simple Flask app which demonstrates one possible use of the Classes API.

Here's a screenshot:

ANS207 is meeting right now in Withycombe Hall.

Instructor: Johnson, Janell

Meeting times:
    * M 1400-1500 WITH 217
    * M 1600-1720 WITH 217

That's about it for Animal Sciences courses right now. Try again later or try a different subject.


git clone https://github.com/osu-mist/classy-demo.git
virtualenv classy-demo
cd classy-demo
bin/pip install -e .


Register an application to use the Class Search API, Course Subjects API, and Terms API at the OSU Developer Portal.

Create a file called config.py containing your Client ID and Client Secret.



% bin/python -m classy.tests

This will run the unit tests for Classy.


% CLASSY_CONFIG=../config.py bin/python -m classy

Note that the path to the configuration file in CLASSY_CONFIG is relative to the package directory (./classy in this example).


Building a docker image

# docker build --tag=classy .

This builds a docker image containing classy and all its dependencies, giving it the name 'classy'.

Running the docker container

# docker run \
>  --publish 5001:8000 \
>  --volume "$PWD"/config.py:/src/config.py:ro \
>  classy

This runs the container and passing in a configuration file. (See Configuration above. Note that the dockerfile automatically sets CLASSY_CONFIG=/src/config.py.) The --publish option forwards port 5001 on the host machine to port 8000 inside the container. The --volume option mounts ./config.py into the container as /src/config.py. The last argument is the tag you specified when building the image.


  • retrieves the full course list on every request; should add some caching
  • could be smarter about choosing random subjects and courses
  • doesn't understand that finals only meet during finals week