tasx is a web application allowing users to manage tasks. It is a test project for learning the Groovy programming language and the Grails web application framework.
Users have a
- name,
- email,
- password, and
- list of tasks.
Tasks have a
- description,
- schedule,
- priority,
- status, and
- list of subtasks.
Users can
- register,
- login,
- view account,
- edit account,
- logout, and
- delete account.
Tasks can be
- created,
- viewed,
- edited,
- listed, and
- deleted.
$ curl -X GET -H "Accept:application/json" http://HOSTNAME/tasx/rest/user
$ curl -X GET -H "Accept:application/json" http://HOSTNAME/tasx/rest/user/USERID
$ curl -X GET -H "Accept:application/json" http://HOSTNAME/tasx/rest/user/USERID/task
$ curl -X GET -H "Accept:application/json" http://HOSTNAME/tasx/rest/user/USERID/task/TASKID
$ grails -version
Grails version: 2.4.3
$ grails
grails> run-app