- 10
- 0
Access Jira server with self-signed certificate
#252 opened by wollud1969 - 0
project.getComponents -> 404 error
#251 opened by falcaosurfline-zz - 0
429 too many request on a single search request
#250 opened by dragouf - 1
Search Functionality and the Ampersand
#247 opened by mike-rivera - 1
Cannot get licensing information for addon
#243 opened by dasheck0 - 0
Cannot access filter createFilter method
#246 opened by codeana - 0
New version is not working with TypeScript without esModuleInterop but there is no warning
#245 opened by raszi - 0
- 0
Thank you!
#242 opened by gioboa - 0
OAuth2 support
#241 opened by sunilkrpv - 0
Issue apis not working.
#240 opened by jeffreyliim - 3
editIssue transition troubles
#237 opened by deadlysyn - 0
You should commit lock files
#223 opened by SPGoding - 2
board.createBoard returning java errors
#235 opened by agedgouda - 4
Add hint in documentation that "Basic Authentication (Deprecated)" and "Basic Authentication With API Token" are only working against server (not cloud)
#199 opened by diver80 - 0
- 0
Support for Development Information API
#228 opened by JiriKovar - 6
- 0
Cannot add actors to the given role
#229 opened by nmehare - 2
types not found
#225 opened by jetersen - 2
missing getAllLabels function
#196 opened by psyrenpark - 1
Search query is not works
#219 opened by MrRefactoring - 2
#194 opened by LveUp - 1
404: trying to get the avatars of the user /rest/api/2/user/avatars?username='username'
#198 opened by Farhan-Haseeb - 1
Typescript types for IssueClient
#218 opened by BrianKopp - 2
Cannot create a new version
#214 opened by joicemarinay - 3
Cut a new release
#213 opened by G-Rath - 1
account Id parameter update for getUser method
#202 opened by jeffreyliim - 1
Miss spelling "the"
#195 opened by br4qua - 0
Can't create issue-405 method not allowed
#193 opened by oanadonose - 3
createComponent -> Error 415
#191 opened by falcaosurfline-zz - 2
I am not able to see method to fetch dev status summary in jira-connector
#192 opened by Shivraj-Star - 2
Choose the version for getAllProjects
#186 opened by MrRefactoring - 1
Cannot update any part of the JIRA issue
#187 opened by elizyu - 4
The users/search endpoint is not supported
#180 opened by roman-acumen - 2
board.setBoardProperty not passing along value.
#179 opened by lukaswelinder - 3
- 1
Current version doesn't compile for typescript with "noImplicitAny" option turned on
#182 opened by roman-acumen - 2
config: strictSSL param
#174 opened by gioboa - 1
Update Project
#171 opened by kamarajuPrathi - 3
Error using typescript
#164 opened by guumo - 1
XSRF check failed on adding attachment
#161 opened by liemnt - 4
Why there is no function to get all worklogs of issue
#153 opened by hmagdy - 2
- 1
AuthClient logout throws unexpected excepti
#133 opened by tobley - 3
- 4
- 0
how to get Project lead details..
#138 opened by shivampandey2021 - 1
Getting a "oauth_problem=nonce_used" error when making multiple consequetive requests
#134 opened by marias-truelogic