Mocking with allowSyntheticDefaultImports

Run npm test, than the tests in the folders test-works and test-works-2 run successfully. The test in the folder test-does-not-work fails.

After running npm build:

  • node dist/run-works.js runs
  • node dist/run-does-not-work.js throws
  • node dist/run-does-not-work-2.js throws

Fix (thanks to @sheremet-va):

import {describe, vi, it, expect} from 'vitest';
import {connect} from './index';
import pg from 'pg';
const {Pool} = pg;

vi.mock('pg', async () => {
    const actual = <Record<string, unknown>>await vi.importActual('pg');

    return {
        default: {
            Pool: vi.fn(),

describe('connect', () => {
    it('should call Pool', () => {