
Chaos is a tool to create chaos in your server.


Chaos is an agent tool to create chaos in your local machine. It's manageg by another project chaos-manager.


Make sure you have a working Go environment. Go version 1.2+ is supported. See the install instructions for Go.

To install cli, simply run:

$ go get

Make sure your PATH includes the $GOPATH/bin directory so your commands can be easily used:

export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

Supported platforms

Chaos is tested against multiple versions of Go on Linux

It can launch some actions

Create a process which use ram
chaos --ram --ramusage 80%
Use 5GB or ram
chaos --ram --ramusage 5000
Create a process which use 80% of every core
chaos --cpu --cpuusage 80%
Create a big file in the /tmp filesystem
chaos --file --fileusage 1% --filepath /tmp/BIGFILE
Create a 10MB file
chaos --file --fileusage 10 --filepath /tmp/BIGFILE
Create 10MB/s io usage in the /tmp filesystem
chaos --io --iousage 10 --iopath /tmp/file
or run the server

and post a scenario
curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:7070/scenarios/1 \
  -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"name":"add cpu","description":"add cpu","tasks":[{"id":"10","type":"USE_CPU","start":"2018-09-25T17:15:00.757540298+02:00","duration":60000000000,"tags":["toto","DC1"],"param":{"usage":"30%"},"launched":false,"done":false}],"id":"1","done":false}'