- 0
How to set height between view and parent?
#45 opened by Kolyall - 1
- 0
- 0
Does it work with Google Maps and ViewPager?
#43 opened by WilBajamas - 0
Width() with centerInParent() gets wrong
#42 opened by strangr - 1
What about proguard?
#41 opened by Kolyall - 0
- 0
outOfScreen Invalid in onCreate method
#39 opened by 976112643 - 1
Doesn't work with crosswalk lite
#35 opened by Pirokar - 2
stop and end animation
#37 opened by hossein-rezaeian - 1
Add Expectations
#32 opened by carmas123 - 0
How can i achieve this kind of animation...because there is no doc available..
#36 opened by NikhilBorad - 1
Documentation & margins
#31 opened by wahablagoon - 1
- 0
- 0
Add Expectations as "setEnabled(boolean enabled)"
#30 opened by Kolyall - 0
Use it in other viewGrroup
#29 opened by zx134256 - 0
sameCenterHorizontalAs not work
#28 opened by sorosunrain - 8
Add posibility to make animations in queue order
#24 opened by Kolyall - 3
Views are blinking if call visible twice
#26 opened by Kolyall - 4
How to detepminate that Anim is playing?
#23 opened by Kolyall - 2
- 1
Suggest adding proguard rules to readme
#21 opened by mirrajabi - 3
Add Visibility GONE when alpha is 0f
#22 opened by carmas123 - 4
not found the lib
#17 opened by songsh - 1
Version 1.0.2 found on jitpack
#16 opened by GameDevLlama - 3
Support other/mix animations
#13 opened by mohamad-amin - 4
- 3
Gradle instruction fix
#9 opened by GameDevLlama - 6
Can support rotation?
#2 opened by sorosunrain - 1
Suggest using neutral pronoun
#6 opened by lkesteloot - 4
Visibility of view
#4 opened by anandpatole - 2
Huge lag running the project
#3 opened by DanteAndroid - 1
- 1