
Example "Hello, world" Spring Boot application that runs on Azure Functions

Primary LanguageJava

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This is a sample application to showcase the use of Spring Cloud Function on top of Azure Functions.

Example "Hello, world" Spring Boot application that runs on Azure Functions

This is a sample application to showcase the use of Spring Cloud Function on top of Azure Functions.

Build tool

This branch uses Maven to build the application, please use the gradle branch to use Gradle instead:

Switch to the gradle branch

This branch uses Maven to build the application:


This is just a "Hello, world", but it uses domain objects so it's easy to extend to do something more complex.

Getting Started


This project uses the Maven Wrapper, so all you need is Java installed.


  • Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/hello-spring-function-azure.git
  • Configure the project to use your own resource group and your own application name (it should be unique across Azure)
    • Open the pom.xml file
    • Customize the resourceGroup and appName properties
  • Build the project: ./mvnw clean package


Once the application is built, you can run it locally using the Azure Function Maven plug-in:

./mvnw azure-functions:run

And you can test it using a cURL command:

curl http://localhost:7071/api/hello -d "{\"name\":\"Azure\"}"

Deploying to Azure Functions

Deploy the application on Azure Functions with the Azure Function Maven plug-in:

./mvnw azure-functions:deploy

You can then test the running application, by running a POST request:

curl https://<YOUR_SPRING_FUNCTION_NAME>.azurewebsites.net/api/hello -d "{\"name\":\"Azure\"}"

Or a GET request:

curl https://<YOUR_SPRING_FUNCTION_NAME>.azurewebsites.net/api/hello?name=Azure

Replace the <YOUR_SPRING_FUNCTION_NAME> part by the name of your Spring Function.