Building SeleniumBasic in Visual Studio 2019
SGallancy opened this issue · 2 comments
Has anyone rebuilt this solution in a more recent edition of Visual Studio? I'm using VS2019 Professional and I've struggled.
- I first encountered several issues after I NuGet'd the latest NUnit. Many of the properties/methods in NUnit have been deprecated since SeleniumBasic was last released (2016) so I installed NUnit 3.04. That helped, but I still encounter an error in using ExpectedException = NUnit.Framework.ExpectedExceptionAttribute; I'd like to safely work around that.
- So, maybe I'm being lazy but the hope is someone else has worked through rebuilding this.
- My objective is to make a minor change -- allowing for the chromedriver.exe to exists in a folder besides the application's folder -- in fact another user asked about doing just that late last year -- and regenerate the SeleniumBasic- installer -- without reinventing too many wheels.
Thanks and SeleniumBasic has been fantastic tool.
I tried to build it years ago. I think I was using Visual Studio 2017. I was trying to modify it to support the new version of Firefox. I got it to build but never got it working. It is fairly complicated and it uses a lot of C# that I'm not familiar with.
Hi there. Maybe @florentbr, the autor of Selenium Basic can help us with this task. It is an amazing tool. I've been programming my own macros with it and VBA and it cured my gastritis. In my opinion there are still long life to VBA and Selenium Basic. We really need an update. For example there is no way to get Edge to open with the account of the local user. I get a nasty "Class not registered" error from time to time...