A Selenium based browser automation framework for VB.Net, VBA and VBScript
- 0
Switch to SeleniumVBA
#288 opened by dornech - 1
VBA .ExecuteScript("return arguments[0].shadowRoot" returns type Dictionary, not type WebElement
#280 opened by KDRende - 4
- 2
VBA Selenium ChromeDriver Path changing Syntax
#287 opened by gokul-jK - 4
Got an error "ActiveX component can't create object" when run vbscript with Admin privilege
#261 opened by ledat94 - 10
Seleniumbasis on a Windows 11 machine
#286 opened by SMToolset - 6
.start "edge" url get a blank page and stop
#282 opened by catalaosoares - 1
#285 opened by omaralrumhi - 0
Hi Roger, can you tell what is the correct location for the webdrivers ? I tried different locations and also added the paths in the system environment variables but I still get the errors you mentionned
#284 opened by fojuli - 1
Did Edge version 119 break SeleniumBasic?
#276 opened by JoshSavage17 - 2
-2146233088 System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception, Line 80 in ProcessExt.cs, Access denied
#283 opened by jjbs - 0
Requesting help to amend script to use edgedriver.exe within a different folder
#281 opened by Tryingmyverybest - 0
Adding code signing to your software
#279 opened by ryo-ichikawa520 - 9
Run-time error 8013150a
#277 opened by vvvvvb7 - 0
Adding code signing to your software.
#278 opened by Kuroiwa-Ryudai - 3
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Select a city at dropdown responsive
#272 opened by DiQuintino - 2
After a "click" method is executed, a drag and drop mouse action will cause all links to broken on Chrome Version 117
#273 opened by sci00099 - 15
How do I know if this element is visible?
#271 opened by DiQuintino - 0
Can't locate frame
#270 opened by Ivan2Hsu - 5
"Class not registered" when running a (working) SeleniumBasic VBA macro from a VBScript and Task Scheduler
#239 opened by rufogil - 3
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I can no longer attach to an Existing Instance of Chrome since Chrome was updated to 114.0.5735.199 (Official Build) (64-bit) (cohort: Stable) in Late June
#267 opened by HenryJamesWas - 1
Chrome Driver SwitchToWindowByTittle
#268 opened by DogaAnil - 0
scope_dir within profile path
#266 opened by sn00zerman - 0
57 BrowserNotStartedError: Browser not started. Call Get, Start or StartRemotely first.
#265 opened by jjbs - 1
Change the Folder and Rename a file
#264 opened by DiQuintino - 5
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Is it working on Windows Server 2012?
#262 opened by Delphima - 3
Running Edge in headless mode is not working
#241 opened by jentredick - 2
ExecuteScript wait for full JS to execute
#259 opened by IsaacBreuer - 12
Cannot find element in selenium VBA
#260 opened by TorontoMapleLeaf - 4
Chrome failed to start: crashed
#258 opened by MAF-BAI - 1
Runtime error '33' session not created from disconnected unable to receive message from renderer
#257 opened by sci00099 - 1
Error while chrome driver start: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist Chrome failed to start: crashed as google-chrome is no longer running so ChromeDriver is assuming that Chrome has crashed
#256 opened by felimanue - 3
How to check HTTP response?
#253 opened by allwynjose - 0
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Unknown error: cannot determine loading status when using latest chrome webdriver
#252 opened by rackd - 2
Building SeleniumBasic in Visual Studio 2019
#243 opened by SGallancy - 4
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Scrape Next pages on Amazon Site
#250 opened by leprince2007 - 9
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WhatsApp Version 2.2212.8
#249 opened by vectorpower - 0
Access Denied You don't have permission to access
#246 opened by mikep1998 - 1
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Extra HTTP header to requests
#244 opened by uhnju - 2
Class Not Registered
#242 opened by Makito00 - 0
KeyNotFoundError : status
#240 opened by Shikamae - 1
- 1
Virus Detected During Download
#238 opened by murrayJc