How to check HTTP response?
allwynjose opened this issue · 3 comments
I have a list of links in excel. I need validate each link for responsiveness / broken link, etc.
It's an internal website, and i tried the usual macro function but it returns 200 mostly.
My question is, is it possible with selenium basic (in VBA) to navigate to a url, get it's HTTP response code (200, 401, 403, etc..) before closing the page? Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
I usually just ping website to see if it is responding
Function PingOK() As Boolean
Dim objPing As Object
Dim objItem As Object
Dim done As Boolean
Dim cnt As Integer
done = False
cnt = 1
PingOK = False
Do While Not done And cnt <= 4
Set objPing = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}"). _
ExecQuery("select * from Win32_PingStatus " & _
"where address = '" & "" & "'")
cnt = cnt + 1
For Each objItem In objPing
If objItem.StatusCode = 0 Then
PingOK = True
done = True
End If
Next objItem
End Function
Mogulman52 provided you a good alternative there. If you still want to use selenium for the purpose i suggest you checking the presence of some element showing up only when the page is loaded correctly.
This can be done using the FindBy function or via javascript:
driver.executescript("return yourelementlocatorhere[i].length")
If returns 0 your element wasn't found and means the link is not working.
Thank you @mogulman52 .. that did the trick!