
Error while chrome driver start: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist Chrome failed to start: crashed as google-chrome is no longer running so ChromeDriver is assuming that Chrome has crashed

felimanue opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello everyone.

I have the known problem (chrome is no longer running so ChromeDriver is assuming that Chrome has crashed), but I use Seleniumbasic (windows and excel vba). Could someone tell me which SetPreferences to use to fix it? Or some other solution to this problem in vba. I have found solutions for python and java but can't find anything for vba.

Thanks in advance.

Solution for python and java (but not for VBA):


Gby3 commented

Hi @felimanue , im pretty sure i have seen this error before while starting a browser instance but it was 1 case out of 1000 and most likely related to a specific chromedriver version. The problem with setPreferences is that you can't pass arguments together (neither you can set a custom profile at the same time) so it is much necesary to use setCapabilities instead. You havent shown any code here so cant tell you if you are coding something wrong on your side but try the following:
Go to your seleniumbasic folder and run the version of the chromedriver.exe file you have in it. Consider if it starts succesfully and if your browser version matches with the driver version. (Im currently using browser v105). You should also open Scripts folder and run Startchrome.vbs to confirm selenium is working as well...